Chapter One

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A/N before we start. I've just unpublished this story so I could rewrite it. Upon reading it a while later, I want to improve it more. Sooooo I hope you enjoy!

Victoria woke in her bed with a start, something seemed wrong, like a memory she should have remembered.

She shook her head and got dressed. It was her twenty first birthday, and her boyfriend had lots planned for the day. She grinned at the thought of him, no matter how much she told him that she didn't want a huge event. He did it anyways.

Light infiltrated the apartment like smoke, lighting up the dust that floated around the air as if they were fairies and pixies, dancing to their hearts content.

The roses that she had received from Calum a week ago, were still in the vase which she had placed in the middle of her kitchen table. She stared at the flowers, remembering when he had given them to her.

There was a knock on the door, Victoria jumped at the noise, still staring at the flower laying on the counter. Another series of knocks interrupted her train of thought and she rushed to the door, a huge smile on her face at the thought of Calum.

She flung open the door.

"Hey C-"

It wasn't Calum. Instead a man that looked like the equivalent to a Greek god stood at her doorway.

"Um," Victoria blushed, "you're not Calum." Then she realised the absurdity of the statement and cleared her throat, trying again. "Can I help you?"

The man smiled at her, a dark smile.

"Victoria Alderidge, isn't it?"

Victoria nodded.

"How do you know my name?" She contemplated closing the door on him. Was he a stalker? Or a robber? Surely robbers broke in at night and not in the morning.

The golden haired, golden skinned man just leaned against the doorframe.

"You need to come with me, your life is at risk the longer we stay here."

Victoria didn't budge.

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine here. And if you were sent by Calum, tell him that this isn't funny. It's my birthday for Christ's sake!"

"I know it's your birthday, that's why I'm here."

Victorias eyebrows shot up to her hairline.

"Then you know Calum? Is he-"

"I can ward this house for half an hour but that's maximum, we don't have any time. Your said boyfriend will be here?" He ignored her question as his caramel gold eyes kept checking down the corridor clearly paranoid about something.

Victoria's mouth stayed shut. He checked his watch and breathed slowly out of his nose in attempt to control his temper.

"Human, you need to answer me. Your boyfriend will be here, yes or no." Impatience seemed to radiate off him in invisible waves. It seeped into his tone of voice whist he tapped a foot against the floor.

A timid nod was all she could reply with.

The Adonis-like man shoved her back into the apartment and stepped in, locking the door behind him.

"You need to pack, okay? We don't have time. I'll explain everything when you're safe."

Safe? What on earth was he talking about? Victoria began laughing hysterically.

"There is no...way think I.....could believe you!" She said between gasps of laughter.

He raised an eyebrow, snapping his fingers. A huge suitcase arrived into the room, he snapped his fingers again and her things began folding themselves and placed themselves into the sleek black case.

"Hera is supposed to do this, but I guess she'll forgive me." He muttered.

Victoria stared wide eyed.

"Oh please tell me that I'm hallucinating right now, this can't be real!"

"Oh this is entirely real." He said darkly, Victoria stepped backwards and sat on the kitchen counter.

"Then how are you," she gulped and gestured to the flying clothes and her possessions which seemed too many to fit into the case. "How are you doing this?"

The man seemed to zone out. There was no reply from him.

Victoria stared. This was a mad man.

An agitated expression overcame his face and started muttering under his breath.

What the hell?!

Was he on drugs? Or maybe he had escaped from a criminal mentally unstable psychotic nuthouse? Was that even a thing?!

"Okay." He muttered to himself before he made eye contact with her. "Downstairs we go. Please grab your coat and scarf, it's cold outside."

He opened the door and gestured for her to get out the flat. Only to be met with no movement.

"What is going on?" She asked timidly. Was he a kidnapper? Was her life at stake? If it were either of the two, then why was he suggesting to wrap up warm? As if this man could read her mind, his features softened slightly.

"I apologise for the haste my lady, I swear that your life is not in jeopardy."

As if those words would comfort her. He sighed and stepped back into the flat. Suddenly, he appeared in front of her. On second he was at the door, the next he was standing far too close for her liking. Terror gripped her body and refused to let her run away as she met with his eyes once again.
A glint of mischief appeared in them.

"Forgive me my lady." He stepped even closer and grabbed her wrist. The heavy scent of blossoming flowers engulfed her and the next thing Victoria felt was a sensation of her falling and nausea dug itself deep into her bones. For just a second. Then she was sprawling on a cold marble floor.

She choked and gagged, dry heaving as she panted for breath.

"What me?!" She gasped, eventually managing to catch her breath. The mysterious man offered her a hand up, as soon as she accepted it, he gently propped her up against him.

The golden man had a sheepish look on his face.

"Would you like to sit on the steps? You need to rest, teleporting can take a bit of a toll on the human body."

Victoria's heart stopped. He was a lunatic. But the image of her belongings floating through the air stopped her sequence of thoughts.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, eyes closed to prevent the world from spinning infront of her.

"I am the Olypian deity Hermes. Of Greek myth and legend. The messenger of the Gods and Conductor of the Dead." There was dignity and nobility in his voice, at the announcement of his title, all bravado disappearing. Victoria's blood ran cold as she dared to believe the possibility. Having her eyes closed felt more like hiding from a monster than to quell her nausea. It made sense. He had been calling her 'human' all this time, the floating objects, the knowing of her identity without ever meeting her.

She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. They were definitely not in the same city that she lived in. Could it be? Did they really teleport to another place?

It sunk in. The evidence was too absolute.

What was the etiquette? How was she supposed to greet him? Was there a title she should address him by?

Stumbling to kneel before him, Victoria forgot that she was actually on a set of steps and nearly tumbled down if it weren't for the God. He grabbed her, arm around her waist, the other grasping at the fabric of her shirt right under her neck. Victoria gasped at his close proximity, once again being swallowed by the heady scent of lillies and lavender. Terror coursed through her veins and she once again met the golden eyes of the Messenger God.

Hermes opened his mouth to scold her for being so clumsy when a deep voice cut through the air and interrupted him. The timbre of his voice was like melted chocolate and the roughness of bitter coffee. Even when the owner of the voice spoke quietly, cold and calculated.

"What do we have here?"

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