"See you boys later!"


"What do you mean Seeley's been weird?" 

I had spent the last two hours filling Megan in on everything that's transpired in the past two months since Declan's return, and three weeks since we had reconciled back together. After ordering pizza, our stories had turned to our families. Megan's sister had also graduated from Redwood High recently, but was headed for University of Chicago instead. Her parents had both decided to join her sister in the move, and the whole family was relocating to Chicago, but Megan had promised to visit every holiday, and with how much she's been away to UCLA, I wasn't as torn up about Megan leaving as I thought I would be.

I had, in turn told her about how much more Dad has been working since Seeley had been taking random disappearances over the past two weeks. Ever since that one day he had taken off to see Miles, Seeley had been asking Dad for half-day's off more often, so much so that Dad was now considering Reggie, our part-time who covers for Seeley when he's gone, as a full-timer just so he didn't have to constantly calculate the pay.

"I don't know, Megs. He's just been in his room by himself more often, and he never tells me or Dad where does he go when he takes time off work, either." I explained, taking a bite out of the pizza we had ordered for dinner. We both lounged in the living room, with Netflix playing in the background but neither of us paying attention to it. It was our usual custom, and I had missed doing this with my best friend.

She raised a brow at me, tossing away the crust as she reached for her fourth slice. "Have you asked him?"

I shook my head. "Nope. But Dad has, and all he said was that his friends were all back for the holidays and they were all catching up. It's... odd though. I haven't seen any of them around. Luckily the House is closing soon next weekend for Christmas. Dad has been looking pretty tired lately." I paused, and then grinned cheekily at her. "But that's enough about me. What about you? How did you end up coming back to town with Grant?" It was an hour's drive, give or take away from Redwood Creek to UCLA, and I knew Megan had always haboured a minor crush on Declan's best friend. Ironic, considering her best friend (aka me) used to date Declan himself.

Or is still dating. Whatever you call it at this stage.

As I expected, Megan's cheeks flushed, but she narrowed her eyes at me. "He just offered to drive me back, Kels, it's nothing of import."

I raised my brows in a disbelieving manner. "Really? And you guys didn't talk much in UCLA?"

"Welllll," she dragged out the last syllable, smiling despite herself. "I did check up with him after Declan left, just to help you find out some information... but he invited me out for coffee, and we did study buddies in the library before our finals. You know, normal stuff."

"Normal stuff, sure." I replied, but decided to not press further.

"Let's just move on to more exciting stuff shall we. What do you want to do for your birthday? It's next weekend!" Megan squealed, grinning. My best friend had always placed a huge importance on celebrating birthday's especially those she cared for. "Do you want your birthday sundae at the Pudgy Moo again? Or are you finally willing to drive down to Los Angeles with me for a shopping trip? I have so many things and places I want to show you!"

"About that." I paused, wincing apologetically. "Lan's booked me for the weekend. Said something about going on a trip on Friday and coming back Monday evening."

Megan gasped, scowling. "That buffoon is already stealing you away from me!"

I held my palms upwards in a surrender position, nudging my cellphone towards her. "You hash it out with him while I toss these away and get us some soda."

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