Chapter 3

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The Kingdom of Hell
Raziel's POV

I waited nervously at the gateway, glancing at the large three-headed dog every so often. I had heard rumors, but still... Cerberus was a marvel, whether you knew about him or not.

His large body sat stiff, his middle head watching me cautiously. The other two continued to survey the area, drool dropping from their large mouths. Two large canines stuck out from each mouth and I gulped, thinking about what might happen if they consider me a threat.

Finally, finally, a small boy came to the gate, smiling up at me. I was quiet, watching him carefully while he opened it. Who was he? Not a demon, not Satan... "Hello," he said, his voice gentle. "Welcome, to Hell."

The was he said it made me think he liked it here. He waved his hand, and I followed him inside the gate. "You must be the angel representative."

I nodded, placing my arm across my chest in salute. "Raziel."


"So... Micah," I swallowed. "Are you a demon?"

Micah laughed, his small body shaking. "N-no..." He said between laughs. "I'm..." He calmed down, giving a small cough. "I'm Lucifer's wife."

This made me stop. His wife? A man? He had a wife? Why had no other angels told me of this? "I just came here recently, two years ago. You've met my brother, yes?"

I looked down at him, a sad look on my face. "Your brother is an angel?"

Once more, Micah laughed. "No... He's dating one. Seth?"

My jaw dropped, thinking of the rude, sarcastic Seth. "You're Seth's brother?!"

Micah smiled, nodding. "He's quite the personality, yeah?"

I nodded again, following him down the path. A large castle came into view,  and he led me inside. The large entrance hall took my breath away, despite it's dark color scheme. Black marble covered the floor, my reflection staring back at me. A large stair case with red carpet stood at the end of the hall, splitting off into two directions. Large floor to ceiling windows covered the wall, letting red light flood in.

Gray curtains were wrapped at the sides of each window, waiting to be used. The whole area seemed to greet me, if that was possible. Isn't it supposed to be gloomy and evil in Hell? Was it... I looked down at Micah. He is Satan's wife, did he do this? It seemed so different from what I'd heard. No dark evil front entrance that urged you to turn back.

I looked up, something at the top of the stairs catching  my attention. A portrait stood at the end of the hall, at the top of the staircase. Micah was portrayed, his small face scrunched in laughter, his cheeks a bright red as a man held him close, planting a kiss on his forehead. That man... Is it...?

A cough snapped me from my daze, and I looked down at a blushing Micah. "He insisted there be at least one picture of us together in the castle."

"Wait... Satan wanted the picture?"

Micah nodded, his blush never fading. "Actually," a voice drawled. "I go by Lucifer now, thank you."

Sata- Lucifer appeared on the staircase, his huge form looking down at me. I couldn't see his face, but I could make out the grin that appeared on his face. "Now then... Let's get down to business, shall we?"

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