Chapter 2

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The Kingdom of Heaven
Raziel's POV

The bright light of Heaven shone down on me as I listened, my eyes closed against the light. "I... I don't understand, my Lord."

Archangel Airick stood off to the side, translating the words of God. "You are to go to Hell in a week's time," he said, "and act as the representative for Heaven regarding the unjudgeable soul."

I dared to open my eyes, the blinding light causing me to squint. "But... Why me, my Lord?"

Archangel Airick was silent for a moment, a strange look on his face, before he spoke again. "I believe your future will benefit from this trip. Such is the word of God." He finished with a curt nod, turning to the light with his hands clasped. He whispered something I didn't hear, gave a bow, then led me away.

"Still, why does Father want me to go?"

I looked at Archangel Airick with a confused face. He shrugged. "He believes you have a destiny there. I don't know."

But... Hell? Why would I ever need to go to Hell to have my destiny? I am an angel, a pure soul. The depths of such a tainted place are not for me. Only demons would dare to like such a place.

A sigh escaped my lips as we arrived back at the sparkling city. No matter how many times I saw it, the beautiful area took my breath away. This is where I belong.

Archangel Airick bid goodbye with a smile, heading off to his own living space, as I did the same. He was a strange angel, really. All knew of his... Relationship... With that human boy, Seth. Some had been opposed to it, but when confronting God all he had said was, "Take a closer look, children. See the happiness this boy gives him? That is all I'd ever ask of any of my sons or daughters."

They all shut up after that. Thankfully, he was able to keep his position as angel. Well, it's not like he did anything wrong. He didn't choose to fall in love. I felt bad for him, remembering the way he had sobbed, fearing he'd lose everything, including Seth. Now, I've never seen him happier.

I sighed. If only I could have that as well, but my love... I shook my head.  He's not gone. He has to be here somewhere. But I haven't seen a trace of him, no matter how hard I look. It didn't make sense. Someone like him had to have ended up in Heaven. Heaven is a big place, he's here somewhere.

I missed him. His smile, his laugh, his bright eyes, his soft hair; everything. I wanted to hold him in my arms, kiss him and love him forever, make him laugh and blush. My face reddened at my thoughts, and I shook them away as I entered my house.

All homes in Heaven are the same, as is fair. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen, all in the same gold and white scheme. It is more than enough for one person, but I will only share it with him. Partners are allowed, and many angels have them. Though, some live separately from their lover, so as to keep from 'doing such acts all the time.' Even in love, angels are considerate. Even Airick lives apart from his partner, Seth choosing to live on Earth instead. Though, he did visit every day and sometimes spent the night.

Sighing, I sat down in the living room, watching the ever glowing light of God. Unlike demons, angels do sleep, however, we sleep with the light of God. For us, darkness is impossible to sleep in, much less live in.

Closing my eyes, I let one last question run through my mind before I fell asleep. Where are you, Azazel?

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