It was about three hours later when Derrick jerked awake then regretted it. Damn it his head was pounding! Looking over he saw that Hartwell was still asleep. Smirking a bit he slowly sat up then tried to get out of the bio-bed. That was the key word, tried. "Mary, Shelby?" Derrick called.

"Yes your lordship?" Mary asked a moment later when she appeared.

"Why am I incapacitated?" Derrick said not really willing to test the strength of the bio-bed again.

"Under all mandates your health and that of your second require that you both stay 'til the bio-bed scanners release you." Mary replied a smile crossing her face.

"Well I'll be damned! You're actually enjoying keeping me here aren't you?" Derrick said then lay back down. "Alright, how long?"

An even bigger smile crossed her face as Mary stated, "It shouldn't more than six hours, Sire."

Sighing Derrick nodded, "I need all the information on the Creagons you have; I still have a battle to plan. I may be confined to bed but I am still in command. I need a line to all my Captains."

"Yes Derrick," Shelby said. "All four are here though it appears that Captain Callie has no holo system. I am detecting that her ship has burned many holo systems components that are at present in re-gen."

Derrick looked over the specs from Callie's ship and nodded. Looking up at the ceiling he stated, "I suggest that you increase your re-gen or I will also keep you out of the battle. That is unless you are afraid now?" Derrick cringed a bit from the shouting thoughts he received. "Good I am glad we are in agreement. As I said I suggest you increase re-gen, by what I see you can be done in an hour not three. Now then get it done or you WILL be back here when the battle starts. Good I am glad we understand each other."

Callie was startled when almost every ounce of power to spare, was suddenly diverted to the re-gen process. Smiling she guessed that someone had found a way to motivate her ship even more than she had.


Trianas quickly switched her light screen on as she came out of trans-warp, a wicked smile spreading across her face. Ah! That bastard of an ex-husband of hers was on the planet also. Reaching for her weapon's control she stopped when another alarm went off. So! The son of a bitch had increased his shields also.

Running through all the information she was receiving another wicked smile lit up her face. So he wasn't as pathetic as she thought he would be. Ah! This day was getting better and better!

"Computer based upon readings, query can this ship's weapons pierce the shields of the sect ship on the planet?" Trianas asked.

"Working," came the monotone voice of her computer. "Analysis complete. At present the weapons of this ship could pierce the shields. Though it is estimated that it would take approximately thirty one minutes, thirty three seconds. This is given that their shield power does not increase or a reprisal upon this vessel."

The biggest true smile she'd had in quite some time appeared on her face. Ummmm she thought so the imbecile listened after all. This was going to be interesting very interesting indeed. "Computer plot..." Trianas started when the ship was rocked by a powerful explosion. "Damage report!"

"Minor damage to secondary shields, light shield reduced to fifty percent effectiveness. Evasive procedures already enacted. I estimate that we will be out of range within one minute forty five seconds." The computer informed her.

Alexander started to curse when he saw that Trianas had moved out of range of his ships guns. "Damn it!" He shouted as the man in front of him blocked the thirty hits that he threw. Relieved when the leader moved off the man knew he'd lucked out. "Orders leader?" The same man asked.

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