Chapter 16

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Melissa's POV:

"That'll be 21 dollars and 50 cents," I say to the lady with dark red hair. She hands me the exact change, takes her bags, and walks out of the store.

I surprisingly still work here since I sometimes come in late and get distracted easily. I forgot to call my manager and tell them I couldn't work the day Sara, Harry, Liam and I went to the park a week ago but she was pretty cool and waved it off.

Walking out from behind the cash register, I walked over to the clothes in the changing room that people left behind. I picked them up and started putting them where they belonged. As I was concentrating on putting them away, someone tapped me shoulder making me scream and drop the clothes on the floor. I turned around and saw Madi and Niall behind me laughing.

"Dammit, don't do that! You know I'm very skittish!" I exclaimed at the laughing couple.

"That's why we did it," Niall said as Madi grinned. I shook my head at them and started picking up all the clothes. I resumed putting them away as Madi clocked in with Niall following her. I heard the music turn up and couldn't help but smile. When Madi and Niall were here, they always made it fun. They came back into the room dancing and laughing.

"So what's up guys? Anything new?" I asked the two.

"Nothing much," Niall replied. "But I have a question."

"Alright, leprechaun what is it?" I asked the Irish boy. He shoots me a glare but asks anyways.

"Is Sara okay? She's been quiet lately and doesn't really text us as much as she use too." He explains.

I think for a moment before replying," Honestly, I've been hanging with Liam and some of our other friends from our lecture class. I haven't paid much attention to her lately. I figured she's been hanging with Harry."

"I don't know what's going on with Sara but I saw Harry the other day and he looked miserable. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was just a mess. Same with his clothes." Madi says frowning.

"Oh my gosh, I'm such a bad friend," I mutter while I start tugging ta my hair.

"No you aren't.' Niall reassures. "How about this, I take over for you. I mean since I come here all the time while Madi works.  I'll clock you out at 4 cause that's when you get off right? And you go home and check on Sara and take her to go do you guys nails and talk or whatever y'all girls do." 

"Niall that's a great idea! Thank you so much! What would I do without you!" I say while hugging him and Madi. They both chuckle and hug me back. I let go and lean over the counter to grab my purse and phone.

They shoo me away and laugh and tell me to update them on our friend. I walk out the door and start calling my best friend. She finally picks up and mutters a hello.

"Hey SJ! I'm on my way. You better be showered and dressed cause we are gonna go shopping and get our nails done!" I exclaim. "We haven't hung out in forever!"

I hear her sigh and quickly tell me that she is gonna go shower. I hang up and hop into my car. I drive the short drive to my house with the music blaring. I pull into the driveway and hop out of my car. I start walking to the door until I hear my name being shout behind me. I turn around until I find the owner of the voice.

"Oh! Hey Harry!" I say while taking in his appearance. Madi and Niall were right. He really does look horrible. "What's up?"

"Um, what are you and Sara doing today?" He asks slowly.

"We're gonna go shopping and get out nails done. Why?" I ask. What happened between them?

"Well, can you, um- can you just tell Sara I'm sorry and that I really can explain m'self if she would give the chance." He says with his voice trembling I nod. He sighs before walking back towards his house before turning around again and saying, "Liam really does like you, by the way." Then, Harry turns his door knob and walks into the house.

I smile to myself before walking into my own house. I skip every other step going up the stairs and knocking on Sara's door before going in. I see her sitting on her bed putting on socks before sliding them into her converse.

"Hey," I say while walking over to sit at her desk. She looks up and smiles but her eyes show other wise.

"What's going on? Harry told me that he wanted-"

"Wait, you talked to him?" Sara says cutting me off.

"Um, yeah?" I say. " I was walking into the house before he called my name and told me to tell you that he was sorry and that he can explain something to you if you gave him that chance too. Whatever that means."

"Ughhhhhh," Sara groans while laying back onto her bed.

"So what happened?" I ask after a paused moment.

"I- I think Harry is cheating on me. I mean he got a text saying 'hey babe are you ready for tonight' like what the actual fuck!" Sara swears.

I furrow my eyebrows before muttering, "That little bastard."

Sara scoffs before going into her closet and coming back out later with a rings scattering her fingers and her hair in a fish tail.

"Okay, lets go shopping." She says while getting her purse. I agree and walk down the stairs with her following me.


Hello! I probably won't have another day to update for the next week so I put this little chappie up! :)



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