Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Sara's POV

      I grabbed a box out of the car and stumbled up to the front door of our home. I set the box down for a minute, so I could retrieve the house keys from my front pocket. As I found the correct key, I heard someone pull up into the driveway. Looking into the car, to see the driver I saw familiar face. Melissa. She had her windows down so I could hear her music that was blaring. I smiled and shook my head. Returning back to what I was doing, I stuck the key into the keyhole and turned. Hearing the door click open, I smiled. I turned the doorknob and picked up my box. Pushing the door open with my back I stepped inside to our brand new home. I smiled to myself. I walked a little further into the house. On my right was our kitchen, not too big, but just the right size for two girls. On my left was the living space. It was a large room, probably too large for only two people, but it worked. On the back wall, I saw a fireplace. I knew we would probably never use it, seeing as here in Los Angeles, it was pretty much hot all year round. Feeling my arms start aching, I remembered I had a box in my hand. I set the box down in the middle of the living area and ventured back outside to my car, to grab the rest of my boxes. As I walk out, I see Melissa leaning against her car, on her phone, probably texting someone. She heard me walking towards her and her head shot up. "Hi!" she spoke excitedly.

       Melissa has been my best friend since as long as I can remember. She and I instantly got along as soon as we met.  Over the past few years we have gotten to know each other more, and grown even closer. About two years ago, we both were accepted to UCLA or the University of California, Los Angeles. Both Melissa and myself grew up here in Los Angeles, and we loved it, so we thought why not stay here. This year, Melissa and I are going into our second year of college. Last year we roomed together in the small little dorms, and decided that this year we'd find a home on campus so we had more room. We found one right in our price range and within walking distance from the school, so we immediately jumped on it. With exactly three weeks left of summer break, we figured it would be a good time to finally move all of our things into our new home. Now when you look at the two of us together, we seem a bit funny. You see Melissa is tall. About 6 feet. She towers over me. I'm average height, but she, is not. She has a model figure and is gorgeous. She has golden tanned skin, from being out at the beach basically this whole summer. She has long brown hair, that looks to be ombred. Me on the other hand, I am the exact opposite. I am about 5 feet and 6 inches tall. I have dark brown skin. Now I'm not stick skinny, but I am a healthy size. I have long jet black hair, that is insanely curly. We are polar opposites. It's a surprise we have gotten along for so long. "Hey. So are you gonna help me bring the stuff in or are you gonna make me bring in your stuff?" I ask sarcastically, with a smirk on my face.

    Melissa shakes her head, "I'll be right there." I nod and contine over to my car. When I reach my car I carefully grab another box, when I hear a groan. I look over to Melissa who is struggling to get her box out of the car.

  I chuckle at her, "You need some help there?"

  She frowns, "No! I am going to get this."

  I laugh at her eagerness. I walk my box into the house and place it next to the other one. When I reach the door I nearly collide with Melissa who is struggling to keep the box in her arms. I step to the side and let her pass. I watch her set the box down close to mine, but far enough so we can distinguish whos are whos. Walking out to grab my last book I hear her sigh a sigh of relief and I laugh at how weak she is. I grab the last box out of my car and shut the trunk. I click the lock button on my car keys and hear a beeping noise, signaling that it's locked. The box is surprisingly light, it must have blankets in it or something, so I quickly run it into the house. I see Melissa who is looking around the house, "What do you think?" I ask her.

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