First Fight

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A.N: Hey, guys! I know it's been awhile since I've updated this story, but there is a good reason for it. My beta, Serradragon, and I are working on several stories including this one. We've got several chapters prepared in advance for all of our stories except for this one. Different has been giving us problems so we've been going chapter by chapter. Now we've decided to place this story on a temporary hold until we can get more chapters completed. Now, we are not giving up on this story, so don't worry about that!

We do have an offer to give all of you readers though. If you all have some scenes that are following cannon in season 8 that you want to see, please feel free to write them and send them to my profile over private messaging. If we like what we see, Serra and I will include them in the story! Thank you all for your support and understanding!

Wolfy and Serra

Goku frowned as he watched Vegeta make a fool of the white and navy male that come to fight them. The prince had won the right to fight first and was obviously enjoying playing with his opponent. The orange clad saiyan huffed as Vegeta effortlessly dodged every strike. While his anger had faded, it still left him with annoyance and irritation, and it simmered under his skin with the inability to take his frustration out yet.

Dabura and his master were stalling for time to release this Majin Buu creature and somehow brainwash Calla into serving under the evil wizard. He knew that the saiyan woman had a pure heart, but if the Supreme Kai was worried that Babidi could still twist her, then they had to hurry. The situation would have Goku's tail, if he still had one, bristling. He only had a limited amount of time to remain on Earth, and it seemed all everyone was doing was dilly-dallying around.

At least Goten wasn't crying anymore. The cub was still latched on his shirt, but now his wide eyes were watching the fight with curiosity. He followed how Vegeta took control of the fight and was showing Pui Pui just how inadequate he was. That was a welcomed change, and Goku was thankful for that at least.

Goten let out a small giggle when Vegeta hopped off the elongated head of his opponent. Goku felt his lips twitch up at the sound, somewhat happy that the cub was finding a little enjoyment in the fight even if he wasn't.

Goku really wanted this fight to be over with already so he could get to Calla. There were so many things he wanted to talk to her about, and he was outraged over the fact that someone was trying to brainwash her. She didn't deserve to have her free will taken away like this, no one did!

The tall man growled as the saiyan prince started to toy with Pui Pui, and he was about to shout at Vegeta to hurry it up when the scenery of the room morphed into something else.

Goku looked around but other than Goten, which he still held in his arms, he was alone in the void. He turned his head around to try and get his baring as he tightened his hold on his son, but all that remain was darkness.

Just then, a flash sparked in the darkness and a vision filled Goku's eyes.


In a torn and burnt teal colored gi, Calla was walking through the woods. She was rubbing one of her shoulders before she stopped suddenly. There was a look concentration on her face as she tilted her head to the side.

Off in the distance was the sound of a baby crying. Calla frowned in confusion over the sound before an animalistic snarl had her flying through the trees to get to the source of the crying. The forest blurred around her until the saiyan woman came to a clearing, and her eyes widened at the sight.

In the center of the clearing was a baby wrapped in a blue blanket crying against a stump and a few yards away was a large saber tooth tiger stalking to the infant. Calla let out a snarl as she fired off a ki blast and kicked off the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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