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Goku could not take his eyes off the woman that was talking to his best friend. It had been years since he had last seen her, and a whole bunch of different feeling surged in his heart. He had never felt such confusion in his life. Not even the thought of fighting Vegeta later on in the tournament could tear him from the subject of his thoughts.

The saiyan male was extremely happy to see Calla again, but he felt hurt at the same time. Why had she disappeared like she did? Where had she been all these years? He couldn't even get answers from her because of all the interruptions between everyone else and her constant avoiding him.

She was absolutely beautiful, and he hadn't realized just how much he missed her until he saw her. Calla...he was trying to wrap his mind the fact she had been gone nearly 20 years.

Calla had been an important part of his past, then one day she was just gone. He tried to look for her, but Chichi had refused to let him even leave the house for any of his searches to get underway, he wanted her to meet his son. She had been his oldest friend and only one that was like him in the whole world. It was like a part of him disappeared when she left. Bulma and Krillin had looked for her when the saiyans came; but it was like she disappeared from the planet, same thing with the androids when he personally looked before they started their training.

Then there was the young boy that called her his mother. He could feel something that felt like anger simmer in his blood at the thought of Calla having a son. He shook his head trying to understand why it was so infuriating that Calla had a child. She always wanted children when they were growing up. He knew that and should have been happy for her.

Goten...he looked just like him. Why did her son look like him? And why didn't the boy have a father? He wanted to know if the man treated her right, for his sake he better have been because if not and he found out. Maybe if he hadn't agreed to marry Chichi he could have...

"Dad." Gohan distracted Goku from his thoughts and the taller man realized he was breaking the railing he leaned against. As soon as his hands unclenched there were dents in the metal that had almost completely twisted it into an unrecognizable shape.

"Sorry, Gohan, I was thinking." Gohan followed his father's gaze over to the saiyan woman where she sat with Krillin's arm around her shoulder. She now had soft smile on her face with her eyes locked on the boy.

"Who is she, Dad?" Goku stared at his son with a raised brow at the hostile tone in his eldest's question. He couldn't recall the last time there was that much venom in the teen's voice.

"Her name is Calla. I..," he wasn't sure how to explain this to his son. "I've known her for a very long time. We trained and fought together."

The older saiyan narrowed his eyes as he watched the boy run over Calla, and his heart twisted in his chest as he saw her face light up. He blinked in confusion at the feeling as he resisted the urge to cover his heart with his hand.

Why was he feeling this way?

"Did you cheat on Mom with her?" The question was sudden enough that Goku snarled and whirled around to unload on the now visibly disturbed teen when Piccolo caught Goku by the shoulder.

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