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Goku stared after his retreating friend with a mix of fury and concern welling up in him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to rip the bastard's head off or go check on Calla and Goten.

'Why am I so angry? Calla can take care of herself. How could that bastard attack when Goten was right there, that blast...' He growled imagining what that could have done to his newly discovered son. It could have seriously injured him. Saiyans, even half saiyans, were tough, but if their guard was down things could hurt them just the same.

"Did you just growl?" Krillin asked coming over with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "I don't think I've ever heard you growl before...well you know outside of a fight anyways."

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Krillin." The taller man finally said looking at his now trembling hands. "I...Why is everything with Calla bothering me so much? I wanted to tear that man's head off. That's not like me."

"Oh, don't even pretend you don't know why, you lying bastard." Vegeta snarled walking up to the two. "How dare you. Fifteen years, Kakarot. Fifteen damn years you hid the fact there was another saiyan on this miserable rock. Not only that there was another of our race but a FEMALE!" He all but snarled fisting Goku's gi and dragging him down to eye level.

"What business of yours is it?" Krillin snapped. "Calla also didn't show herself to you for a reason. Not to mention we haven't seen her in nearly twenty years ourselves."

"You're next on my shit list, shorty, you knew just as long and didn't say anything either." He hissed causing Krillin to jump just a bit at the murderous glare leveled at him before he got back in Goku's face. "But no, Kakarot, what really pisses me off is the fact you pretended to be a faithful partner to your human shrew and kept the one chance to start rebuilding our race all to yourself."

"I didn't cheat on my wife." He snapped shoving Vegeta off him.

"And which one is that exactly?" The older male sneered as he crossed his arms.

"What are you talking about?" Anger started to leak in the taller saiyan's voice. He narrowed his eyes at Vegeta and bared his teeth. "I'm married to Chichi. She is my wife, and I have been a faithful partner; not that it's any of your business."

"Oh, so you have no honor? I can't believe this. Are you honestly this stupid?" The prince gave a cruel smirk as the younger man pushed away from him. "And you wonder why she left you for all those years. Seems self explanatory to me, Kakarot."

Goku gave the older man a dangerous glare that seemed to amuse Vegeta more than threaten him. The dead saiyan did nothing to stop the snarl building in his throat, and Krillin was worried that the two men were about to start fighting right in front of him.

"Whatever," Vegeta crossed his arms and headed back to his corner. His parting words made Goku want to tear the other apart. "I'll just beat the answers out of you during our fight, or perhaps I'll ask her."

"Goku, no!" Krillin grabbed one of his friend's arms to keep the taller man from going after the arrogant prince. "Just let it go! You can deal with Vegeta later."

The short human managed to steer the angered saiyan to the farthest area away from Vegeta as they could get. Krillin was shock that he could feel his old friend practically shaking with rage. Seeing Calla and Goten attacked earlier didn't help at all.

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