"What?" Kara's jaw dropped. "Cisco!"

"Yeah," Cisco nodded, smiling as Kara opened the box he had given her.

"What, uh . . . " Kara blinked as she took out a small silver device. "What is it?"

"Oh!" Cisco grinned. "It's a . . . it's an interdimensional extrapolator."

"Oh," Kara nodded, though she still looked confused. "Uh . . . "

"It creates small breaches, so you can use it to cross over to our universe any time you need to," Cisco explained.

"Oh, my God!" Kara's eyes lit up in delight. "That's amazing!"

"I also included communication functionality, so if you ever need any help, you can always contact the team," Cisco added.

Kara giggled giddily, looking down at the extrapolator, when Mick walked up. "Hey, Skirt," he rumbled. "Call me."

Kara stared after him as he left, then gave Cisco a confused look that made Oliver smirk into his champagne glass.


"Something tells me you weren't invited here."

Kara looked around after Cisco left to speak with Felicity, and she watched one of the newer Legends, Nate, walk up to the trio of suited men walking in. "Dr. Heywood," one of them, a grey-haired man, smiled.

"Don't Dr. Heywood me," Nate snapped. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I like parties," the man gestured around. "And I'm here for the mop-up."

"Cover-up," Nate corrected, and Kara straightened, walking over. "But you can't cover this up."

The man gave Nate a dark look and was about to say something when Kara arrived. "Agent Smith!" she said cheerily, making him look at her in surprise. Even Nate looked surprised at her intervention. "It's so funny seeing you here. I was just having the loveliest chat with your president about you. I was telling her, on my Earth, we have a Department of Extranormal Operations, which deals specifically with aliens. She thought it was an excellent idea." She walked closer, a proud smirk on her face. "She also loved my pitch about reassigning you to Antarctica."

Agent Smith's eyes bugged open, and Kara gave an innocent grin before practically skipping off. Just a few feet away, Ray and Felicity were shaking in laughter, Barry was grinning proudly at her, and even Oliver and Sara looked impressed. "Maybe next time, you're a little nicer to strange visitors from another planet," Nate snickered at Agent Smith. The man growled and stormed off, but not before Nate threw one last cheery remark at him. "Pack a jacket!"


Most of the others had said their farewells to Kara until it was just her, Oliver, Barry, Sara, and John left. "You ready to see if Cisco's gadget works?" Barry asked.

"Ready," Kara nodded, walking forward. "And remember," she turned. "If you guys ever need me, I'm just a call away."

Oliver nodded. "Same here," he told her sincerely.

Kara smiled, then turned and pressed the button on her extrapolator. A shimmering breach opened up, and Kara took a deep breath, walking through. When she had vanished from view, the breach snapped shut after her.


"I'm just saying," Oliver told Barry later as they sat with beers in front of them. "Next time, I'm gonna get you."

"I'm just saying, I beat you twice," Barry smirked.

"The first time was a tie."

"And the second time?"

Oliver paused. "There were no witnesses the second time," he answered, taking a drink.

Barry snickered, shaking his head. "Superspeed arrow duels," he said dryly. "Our lives aren't exactly normal."

Oliver nodded in agreement. "I told Kara that I was looking to reclaim some normal. Thinking on it now, I'm . . . I'm not so sure."

"I know what you mean," Barry nodded. "We both got a look at what life would look like normal."

Oliver nodded, thinking back to what he had seen on the Dominators' ship, what life would have been like had he not gotten on the Gambit. "It would've been happy."

"But not full," Barry told him.

"No," Oliver agreed, smiling slightly. "No, nowhere close."

Barry nodded. "To things not being normal."

"To life being full," Oliver nodded back.

They clinked their bottles and drank, and in the back of Oliver's head, he wondered what would ever bring Kara back to their universe. Probably nothing to lead her to the Legends, since they mainly dealt with time travel. With everything Barry faced, he was most likely to see her again, more than he or his team ever would.

No, Oliver figured nothing in Star City would ever bring Supergirl to it.


Well, maybe not Star City. The finale episode isn't called "Star City," now, is it?

That was then. On to now!

One Call Away (Book One of The Unmatched Records)Where stories live. Discover now