To Each Their Own Messes

Start from the beginning

"You got no right to complain!" Natsu shouted due to hearing Alzack's words. "You're not the one up here!"

"He's got you there." Bisca agreed before getting back to the matter at hand. "How long do you think you can last, Natsu?!"

"Not long if you don't lighten the weight soon!" biting her lip, Bisca quickly put a plan together.

"Alright, this is what we'll do. One of us will go to the front of the train and move the people to another car, after all the people are out of the front car we can separate it from the rest of the train before moving on to the next car. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good, but who'll stay behind and guard Natsu?" Alzack's question was answered in a flash.

"Bisca! I call Bisca! Bisca, protect me!" Alzack's jaw dropped completely at Natsu's demand that Bisca be the one to protect him instead of himself; Bisca on the other hand simply beamed with pride.

"What?! Her?! You don't trust me or something?! What happened to bros before hoes?!"

"What'd you just call me?!"

"No! I mean- That didn't come out right, baby!"

"Oh, now it's 'baby', huh?!"

'Dumbass.' not even Natsu was dumb enough to say that in front of his lover.

Although, there was a good chance that Erza wouldn't have minded, judging from that one time she woke him up in the middle of the night to get a little freaky and ordered him to call her a whore. He resisted at first, really he did, but it eventually ended with him not only having to call her a whore but a dirty whore at that.

He didn't know why she wanted him to call her that but she liked it.

A lot.

Natsu's musings along with Bisca and Alzack's argument were dropped instantly when the boomerangs made another go at Natsu only for eight magic bullets to strike them once again.

After that, no more words needed to be spoken.

Alzack immediately started making his way down the train while Bisca readied her sniper to protect Natsu.

"How you doing up there?" Bisca questioned as she shot two boomerangs.

"I'm holding a fucking train, what do you think?!"

"Right." Bisca muttered while mentally smacking herself in the head. "Dumb question."

Who would've thought they would find themselves in such a crazy situation.

Bisca certainly didn't.

What she did know was that she better make sure nothing happens to Natsu or Erza was going to kill her.

"Well, this isn't too surprising." Erza commented as she sat with her legs crossed on the edge of her hotel bed.

The reason for her comment was due to the newspaper she was reading. The front page was about the brawl that happened just hours ago and there was speculation that Fairy Tail was involved, seeing as it was a brawl and Fairy Tail and brawl practically went hand in hand. Apparently, according to the article, the battle between the two groups resulted with a Baron Clovis postponing his visit to Sapporo.

For security reasons no doubt.

The only reason Erza could bring herself to care about that fact was because a Baron was nobility, and nobility tended to be rather unhappy when one disrupted, well, anything really in their lives.

Erza always tried not to judge people before she knew them but nobility usually were so full of themselves that she wanted to punch them in the face.

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