A Fairy Hunter's Broken Fairy Tale p2

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A sigh escaped the throne room where King Jellal sat, contemplating his dilemma. And that dilemma was one, Erza Knightwalker. Her life really was a sad one, and just when it was looking up, it all came tumbling down.

Now, she was nothing but a broken woman.

A shell of her former self.

He could see it in her eyes; her empty, lifeless eyes.

She was empty.

It really was sad.

King Jellal was truly happy that Knightwalker could find happiness after all she had been through. It was almost seemed like fate that the one to find a place in the former fairy hunter's heart was Natsu. He was well aware that the Earthland Natsu and Erza were together ever since they came back from the tower of heaven. How the other guild members didn't notice it or see it coming was beyond him.

'Wait. That's it!' the perfect idea on how to help Knightwalker suddenly struck him. She may have lost the love of a lover, but hopefully the love of a family could help heal her broken heart.

And he knew just the people who specialized in such a thing.

Standing up, King Jellal made his way to his towards the Anima Chamber, and opened the large door, before entering it. When Jellal became the king he spent a few days debating whether or not if he should destroy the device. Even though there was no longer any magic to activate the Anima he still was wary of keeping it around. But over time he decided to keep it, just in case a situation arose where he needed earthland's Fairy Tail's help. That's if he ever found a way to use it without magic.

Which someone did.

'Even in death it seems you'll have a hand in helping her, Natsu.' King Jellal thought as he was transported to earthland.

"I'm really getting too old for this." Makarov sighed as he looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk. "Freaking brats. Can't they go a week without destroying something?" he had to wake up early to get the paperwork done before he got in trouble with the Magic Council.

Damn brats.

He came out of his musings at the sound of his door being knocked on.

'Who can that be at this time?' Makarov inwardly questioned.

"Enter." of all the people who he thought would be entering, Mystogan was not one of them. "Judging by your magic energy you're not Jellal are you?"

Jellal was posing as him?

Personally he didn't mind as long as Makarov was aware and ok with it, and judging by his face he was.

"No, I'm not master." Mystogan answered causing Makarov's face to turn into a bright smile.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Makarov smiled. "Please have a seat." Mystogan took up the offer and sat in the chair placed in front of Makarov's desk.

"It's good to see you again master. I wasn't sure if I would ever come back here."

"Which begs the question: Why are you here? I doubt you came back for sentimental reasons."

"Correct." Mystogan replied. "I have a favor to ask."

"I'm listening."

"How tragic." Makarov muttered as Mystogan finished telling him about Knightwalker's life and his idea to help her. "I''m more then willing to help, but I don't think it will be easy."

"Agreed, but if anyone could help her I think Natsu and Erza can." Mystogan stated.

"Of course they could! They're my brats after all!" Makarov laughed. "Come!" Makarov hopped off his chair. "Let's go see the loving couple."

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