Happy Days and Uncertain Futures

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Erza ducked then moved in to strike, only to have her sword blocked; locking the two in a stalemate. But she was more of a diverse fighter then her opponent; which she showed by throwing a quick jab at her challengers face. Her challenger quickly moved her head to the side dodging the punch, but the jab was just a quick distraction. Erza then dropped down and swept her challengers legs from underneath her.

Her challenger reacted quickly by sticking out her hand, and pushing herself away the instant it hit the ground; sending her twisting in the, and across the clearing.

"Smart move." Erza complemented. "If you had tried to mount a counter attack I would've been on you in an instant."

"I thought as much." Kagura panted as she tried to find an opening in Erza stance. 'None. As expected.'

"You've definitely grown stronger, but you need to learn two things." Erza stated as she walked closer to Kagura.

"Care to explain?"

"Of course. You need to know how to fight off of your sword and without it." just as Erza finished talking she was bolting towards Kagura, and swinging her sword down on her. Kagura quickly blocked the attack, brought her knee up to the side to block a kick to said side, and wrapped an arm around Erza's leg.

Unfortunately for Kagura, Erza was far better at combining swordplay with hand to hand combat; which was showed when Erza jumped with her one free foot and kicked Kagura in the gut. Soaring through the air, Kagura flipped and pushed off a tree and flew through the air straight towards Erza, who readied herself for Kagura's counterattack. Kagura swung her sword and Erza parried it to the side causing sparks to fly, Kagura had to roll in the air to avoid Erza's fist, but as Kagura dodged the punch Erza quickly changed her target. Her hand continued its path and caught Kagura's foot.

'Damn.' Kagura inwardly muttered as she felt Erza grip tighten; before she was hurled through a tree and stopped when she hit another. 'She really is something.' Kagura slowly stood up, and walked back into the clearing. The two wizards gave hard looks, and prepared to do battle once again.

That was until their stomachs began to growl.

Their eyes widened and cheeks turned red. Natsu's laughter broke out from the side causing the two to turn even more red. They forgot that Natsu and Ultear were watching; while Meredy was at the house looking after Hisako. They figured she wouldn't like seeing Erza and Kagura fight, even if it's a friendly spar.

"Looks like the only thing that can stop two monsters is hunger." Natsu smirked.

"You're one to talk." Ultear commented.

"Whatever. We should probably get going, who knows what Meredy put Hisako through." Natsu suggested.

"Good point." Erza agreed. They started to make their way back, and the group paired off into separate conversations.

"What I suggest you do is train in hand to hand combat, then slowly assimilate it into your swordplay." Erza suggested.

"Is my hand to hand skills that bad?"

"No. It's definitely not bad. It's far above average but-"

"Far above average isn't good enough." Kagura cut Erza off.

"Exactly. You have so much potential, I would hate for you not to reach its peak."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

"Let's see...You're fast and agile, but lack the physical strength for my fighting style. I suggest you learn something that focuses on the bodies weak points and using your opponents strength against them."

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