Team Natsu Back in Action

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It's been two weeks since the guild started building Erza's and Natsu's new home and she couldn't wait. She kept on imagining what life would be like in their new home. She imagined them getting married and Natsu carrying her into their bedroom then...


And once she got over her dirty thoughts she moved onto thoughts of them having kids and chasing them around the house while yelling at them to put their damn clothes on! She wasn't stupid. She knew to prepare for Natsu's parenting style. He was raised in the forest. By a dragon. But Erza wouldn't haven't any other way. She wouldn't raise her kids like she seen some of her clients raise them. She couldn't help but shake her head at the memory of little kids having the whole day planned out for them. Kids should be able to be free to have fun and act their age. Something she was able to do, thanks to Natsu. Who was in fact talking to her.

"I'm sorry what?" Erza asked, as she returned to reality.

"They better hurry up with that freaking house because you've been out of it ever since they started building it." Natsu grumbled.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I can't wait to start spending the rest of my life with you." Erza smiled at him.

"I hate when you do that." Natsu crossed his arms and pouted, while a blush covered his cheeks.

"Do what?" Erza tilted her head innocently.

"Say things like that then smile at me. It's impossible for me to stay mad at you when you do that." Natsu raised his voice at the end.

"I know." her smile turned into a mischievous one. "Why do you think I do it?"

"Cheater!" Natsu pointed a finger at her.

"I'm sorry. I just don't like you being mad at me." Erza stuck out her lower lip slightly.

"I-I'm not...Wait your doing it again!" Natsu roared.

"You caught me." Erza chuckled. "So what were you saying earlier?"

"(sigh) I was saying that I've been watching Lucy lately-"

"Are you trying to ruin my good mood?" Erza asked, in a threatening tone, cutting off Natsu.

"Not like that. You know I only at you like that Erza." Natsu rolled his eyes unfazed by her jealous side.

"You're right. Continue."

"I was just wondering why she dresses so-"

"Slutty." Erza deadpanned.

"Show-offy." Natsu sweat dropped. "But if you want to be all-"

"Bitchy." Erza once again cut him off, in a deadpanned voice.

"Mean about it." Natsu sweat dropped again. "I was just wondering why she dresses like that."

"Well I believe she dresses like that to attract a boyfriend. Something she's never had before." Erza simply stated.
"Why are you laughing?" Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"I just find it funny that you could've had a boyfriend before Lucy."

"You said you'd never bring that up again!" Natsu shouted, referring to the time when some random guy asked him out, which was answered with a flaming punch to his face.

"Ok ok. My lips are sealed." Erza giggled as she made the motion of locking her mouth with a key.

"You really are in a good mood aren't you?" Natsu sat back down.

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