Explosive Tendencies

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"What do we do?" Gray asked, as they looked at the balls of light in the sky.

"You wait here." Natsu replied as he turned to walk out the room. "Come on Happy."

"Natsu, where do you think you're going?" Erza questioned, causing him to turn around.

"To deal with those things, before they decide to blow this village sky high." Natsu stated.

"Then I'll go with you." Erza started walking towards him.

"No." Natsu stuck out his hand. "You'll just get in the way."

"Excuse me." Erza took offense to his statement.

"Come on Erza. Me and Happy are the only ones that can fight while flying."

"I have several armors that allow me the ability of flight." Erza defended.

"But none of them are quick enough to dodge those things." Natsu pointed out, causing Erza to sigh in defeat.

"Just don't do anything stupid."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on Happy." Natsu and Happy walked out of the clinic. "All right! Let's do this!" Natsu shouted.

"Use your head!" Erza shouted, as Natsu flew past the window. "And not literally!" Erza added.

'Literally? She can't think I'm that stupid.' Natsu sweat dropped, as they flew between the balls of light then stopped above them.

"So now what? They're just floating there?" Happy asked, as they looked down at the balls of light.

"Hmmmmm. We could...Ah screw it. Hey you stupid lights! Come and get some!" Natsu shouted.

"I don't think they could hear you." Happy sweat dropped.

"I think they can! Go! Go! Go!" Natsu ordered frantically, as the lights darted towards them.

Happy flew through the air as fast as he could trying to keep enough distance between them and the light, while Natsu unleashed a Fire Dragons Roar. But much to Natsu's dismay they dispersed, causing him to only blow up only a few of them.

'Damn it. I was hoping I could get them all in one shot.' Natsu gritted his teeth.

"Natsu were in trouble!" Happy warned, waking Natsu from his thoughts. Natsu's eyes widened when he saw the balls of light were trying to flank them from both sides.

"Crap. Happy go up!" Natsu shouted

'You idiot! I told you to use your head!' Erza gritted her teeth with worry. 'Please be ok.' Erza exhaled loudly, when she saw Natsu emerge from the smoke.
'Idiot! Erza told you to use your head! And what do you do? You nearly get yourself and Happy blown up!' Natsu inwardly scolded himself. "You ok buddy?"

"A-aye." Happy weakly answered.

"I have an idea. I want you to go straight up as fast as you can, then stop when I tell you to."

"Aye sir!" Happy jetted straight up, creating space between them and the lights.

"Alright! Cut off your magic Happy!" Happy did as he was told and his wings disappeared. They floated weightlessly in the air for a few seconds, when their momentum slowed down.

"Umm. Natsu?" Happy was starting to get nervous, as the balls of light closed in on them.

"A few more seconds." Natsu muttered.

The lights started to glow when they got close enough, but this was exactly what Natsu was waiting for. Just seconds before the lights exploded, Natsu ignited a fire at his feet causing him to rocket downwards through the lights.

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