The two couldn't be any more different in appearance. Against Dwalin's warrior-like appearance, Balin sported a long white beard, wispy hair on his head, and held a much more welcoming persona from the smile on his face.

"Uh, excuse me?" Bilbo dared to speak up.

Poppy continued to stare at the Dwarves in wonder. She heard stories about them at the guild from travelers, but never met a Dwarf in person before. None even passed through the Shire.

"Sorry, I hate to interrupt," the Halfing continued. "But the thing is I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house."

The visitors ignored the Hobbit and moved into the pantry looking through the shelves full of food.

"Have you eaten?" Dwalin asked his friend.

"It's not that I don't like visitors," Bilbo rambled. "I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit. But I do like to know them before they come visiting."

"What is this?" Balin asked. He picked up a block of blue cheese, examining the item and drawing his brother's attention. The whole situation started to amuse Poppy. She climbed off the stool, moving elsewhere out of sight in the home.

"I don't know," Dwalin answered.

"The thing is–"

"It's gone blue," Balin said.

"It's riddled with mold," Dwalin agreed.

"The thing is, I don't know either of you," Bilbo interjected again. "I don't mean to be blunt, but I-I have to speak my mind. I'm sorry."

They turned to look at him, the Hobbit clearing his throat, pleased that they were finally listening.

"Apology accepted," Balin answered with a kind smile. Bilbo's face fell as they turned back to the keg with mugs in hand. "Now, fill it up, brother, don't stint."

Again, the doorbell rang. Dumbfounded, the Hobbit slowly left the pantry before sighing and opening the door. There stood two more Dwarves on his welcome mat. He whimpered at the sight of them.


"And Kíli, at your service," the Dwarves bowed.

These two individuals were much younger than the two already inside. One had golden hair and a great beard with multiple braids throughout it and the hair adorned with metal beads. And next to him in stark contrast the Dwarf's hair was a dark brown, sporting stubble on his face instead of a full beard like the others.

"You must be Mr. Boggins," the dark haired one greeted with a wide grin.

As the two went to step inside the home, Bilbo immediately blocked them to stop their approach.

"Nope! You can't come in!" he spoke quickly. "You've come to the wrong house." And just as swiftly began to close the door. However, a hand shot out to catch the frame and pushed it open again with a force that made Bilbo stumble backwards.

"What? Has it been canceled?"

"No one told us," Fíli said.

The Hobbit's brows furrowed, having no idea what they were talking about. "No, nothing been canceled–"

"That's a relief," Kíli sighed. The two shared a laugh before forcing themselves in. Bilbo groaned in defeat and closed the door behind them.

The two Dwarves glazed at the interior of the home. Starting to remove the weapons on their person in order to relax.

Book 1: Come Home [Thorin Oakenshield]Where stories live. Discover now