"Princess, you know it's our job to worry about you and when something like this happened, it's important that you tell us so that we can protect you and keep you safe." Mark said holding both of her hands in his as Jake tried to console her by stroking her hair.

Aiden who was standing behind them had a sorrowful and regret expression on his face. He tried to come forward but a glare from Jake stopped him. So he resorted to pleading with Aurora to listen to him.

"Aurora, princess..." His voice held a desperate tone to it.

Aurora sniffled a couple of times before pulling away but not fully, from Jake's embrace.

When she stared at him with her big, teary eyes, he swore he felt like the biggest assh*le ever.

"I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just mad that some dickhead got to you and we weren't there with you. What if he had done something to you? It would pained us alot if we see you getting hurt. Okay? Forgive me princess," He pleaded almost in tears, which was saying something because in all her life, Aurora had never ever seen him cry even when he broke his arm last year for some reason she never got to find out.

Aurora just kept her eyes on him without saying anything as her sniffles quietened down which made him fidget.

Finally she said something, "It's okay Aiden." He visibly sighed in relief.

He forcibly pulled aurora from jake into his arms, "I'll make it up to you princess, I promise."

Mark wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "If this man ever bother you again you tell us straight away understood?" He demanded firmly.

"Yes Mark." Her tone was soft, her heart overwhelmed with their overprotective gestures.

She internally hoped that she can still have her freedom after this but of course, that didn't happen.

"Now, about what dad said..."


It was the next morning and Aurora had just woken up and was begrudgingly walking downstairs with half opened eyes and messy hair.

It seemed like nobody's at home but she wasn't sure.

The reason why she's even awake at that moment was because of the sudden blaring sound of the house telephone which no one has picked up yet.

There better be a good reason for this person to call so early in the morning, she grumbled in her mind as she got nearer to the telephone.

"Hello?" She tried her best to sound as polite as she could and tried to hide the fact that she had just woken up.

A deep chuckle resounded from the other side of the line, "It seems like I have just disturbed my babygirl from her sleep."

You think she would be able to catch up right away on who the person was but she didn't. She was half asleep and all she wanted to do was to go back and cuddle into the warmth of her cozy bed.

Just thinking about it made her let out a content sigh.

She didn't even think as her manners completely flew out of the window before saying, "My parents are not at home right now so call them again later now I'm off to sleep bye."

She was about to put down the telephone but the voice spoke up again and she finally recognised who it was, "Now that's not so polite is it?"

And that made her froze.





Okay so the reason why I haven't been updating in awhile is because I have been veryyy busy lately (what a lame excuse), and I mean legit because of, duh, what else; school. FYI, I am just a fifteen years old girl tryna get through life and so I'm not gonna have time to update as often as other committed authors.

Anyways, as you could see, I picked Sean O'Pry as my man (dont come at me because I know most of y'all voted for Stephen) BUT no worries because in my other book, the main male character will be Stephen James.

Next update will be soon, I know 'soon' is an entirely different meaning for me and you but it's different this time, I promise.

Don't forget to vote and comment, love you guys!

Thank you so much for reading! (seriously) xx

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