Chapter four

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(y'all are gonna get disappointed with this short ass chapter)

Her father who never loses his composure tried to calm himself by taking deep breaths as all of her brothers started throwing questions at her all at the same time.

They paused for a second as they suddenly heard their mother's voice from downstairs.

"What's all that yelling about?---By the way, Isaac come downstairs, there's something I'd like to discuss with you about!" She yelled.

Her father grumbled and turned to look at Aurora who was still looking down at the carpeted floor.

He let out a loud sigh before bringing her forward towards him and whispered to her, "Don't think I'm letting you go out alone after this." He gave her a pointed look when she was about to protest, "I mean it sweetie, and there's nothing anything or anyone can do to change my mind about it."


"I just want you to be safe Rora," He sighed once more before pecking her forehead and exited his office.

As he was about to step out after opening the door, he paused and looked at her brothers pointedly with his eyes narrowed, "And boys, don't pester your little sister too much because I don't care if you're my sons but if she shed even a tear, I swear to god I will b-"


"I'm coming honey!" He yelled back before begrudgingly walked out of the room.

And so the chaos continued.

"There's a f*cker who dares to f*cking mess with our sister!?"

"If I knew this would happen I would've never leave you for even a second, f*ck!" Mark ran his fingers through his hair angrily.

"Who the f*ck is that f*cker?! Tell me right now Aurora so I can beat his f*cking face to death!" Jake who's eyes were blazing with anger, felt determined to beat the hell out of the f*cking dickhead who dares to even talk to his sister.

Aurora gulped at Jake's words especially when he used her name to address her rather than the usual pet names.

She stayed silent while fiddling with her fingers as her fuming brothers continued to stare at her in expectant.

Aurora gulped before opening her mouth to talk but her voice didn't manage to come out as her brothers' faces scared her.

Their patience seemed to be running thin as she struggled to reply.

"I-I um, it's-"

"Spit it out Aurora!" Aiden all but yelled at her in frustration, which caused Aurora to look at him in shock as they've never, ever, raised their voices at her, even a little.

"I-" Her bottom lip quivered and her eyes started to turn glossy.

Aiden, who didn't noticed the glares that are being directed to his way, immeadiately regretted his actions.

"Rora," He took a step forward, trying to console her but Jake beat him to the punch by practically shoving him out of the way and engulfed her tiny frame in his chest.

And that was when the damp broke.

"I just--," She sobbed loudly into his chest, "I didn't want you guys to worry so much about me, that's all!"

It all came out muffled but the men could still heard her clearly.

Their expression changed drastically changed from anger to a soft and worry one.

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