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April 2

My fingers freeze above the keyboard,

eyes frozen on the screen.

It's his birthday today.

The post flashed in front of my eyes multiple times,

I ignore it. Or try to.

I scroll down desperately, eager to push him

o u t

of my mind.

Yet, my mind and body betray me and I click on his profile.

Multiple friends had already posted on his wall,

and my fingers shake,

as if I were signing my name on the bottom of an important contract.

'Happy birthday :)' I type and my finger hovers on top of my mouse,

should I?

should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i should i

I click the bright red 'x' button,

and fall onto my arms, and sigh in defeat.

Maybe next year.

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