
37 5 0

March, 2016

               Dear Anybody-Who-Cares,

what's it like loving yourself?

what's it like, waking up actually looking forward to start your day? how is it, to not look in the mirror and point out a million flaws that are screaming 'disgusting'? to look at anything you do without cringing, without overwhelming regret and disgust filling you when you look at last week's photo or even two minutes ago's photo?

do you know how it's like to post a picture without immediately getting anxious at thoughts like: "oh my god am i being annoying? is this too self centered? why don't i love myself enough? why do i care so much about other people's thoughts?"

i want to know. god, do i want to know.

                                                                                                                      i revise my previous statement.

                    what's it like to be content with who you are?    


I Want To Be Comfortable In My Own Skin

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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