12. The Shade is Real

Start from the beginning

The shade was real. Louis and Liam looked to me and continued glancing at me. And not in a good way. Of course. I'm Zayn's girl.


I immediately smiled, and ran to the man I love so much.

"Z! You're finally here!!" I said happily, and we wrapped our arms around each other.

"Hey baby, what's going on." He said, and kissed me. I missed him so much, and gave him a million kisses.


Zayn and I turned to see a surprised Louis and Liam. Oh boy. This was about to go to another level of awkward.

But before that could escalate, Perrie walked in. Suddenly feeling possessive, I put my arm around Z.

Perrie dropped her glass of wine, letting it shatter on the floor, as she faces Zayn.

I felt Zayn freeze under my touch, and go numb. Was he ok?

We all watched as they shared eye contact.

"Perrie?" He whispered. What's going on?

Perrie shook her head, not believing what she saw. All our men were here. But Zayn was mine.

° ° °

Briana POV

Did I like that Louis was here?

No, not exactly.

Do I enjoy seeing Danielle and him together?

Fuck no, pictures are bad enough.

But here we were. The tension in the air was real, and we all sat on the white couches in the living room.

All of us.

Sophia, Danielle P, and Perrie sat next to each other. While I sat on a chair. Danielle and Louis shared a couch with Liam and Cherly. Gigi sat on Zayn's lap, and it looked like it was torturing Perrie.

This just got really interesting.

First of all, all exes were in one place, but so was Zouis. Louis and Zayn couldn't stop sharing glares.

Eleanor is lucky she left early. She would've positively died if she saw Louis. Just look at how she took seeing Danielle and I.

And if Louis saw Eleanor again...Danielle better keep his attention.

"So you guys gave been stuck here?" Liam asked.

"Mhm. And things have gotten a little out of control." Gigi said.

"Like my blue hair." Danielle said, glaring at Perrie.

All the guys just looked shocked, still trying to process all the girls in one room. It was almost too much for Zayn especially. He couldn't keep his eyes off Perrie. But Perrie ignored his glances.

Louis? I think he was ok. For one, him and I are somewhat tolerable. I'm not that much of an ex, just the mother of his kid.

But Louis caught on, that all exes were here, and he looked almost disappointed that Eleanor wasn't here. He didn't say anything about her though, so I could be wrong. But you could just see it in his face.

Part of him looked relieved though.

We heard the front door opened, and all us girls looked to each other. Who could that be? There were no more guys I think and Eleanor left.

Sophia immediately stood up and rushed to the door. Probably just wanted to leave the room.

"Who is that?" Danielle P asked. I shrugged.

After a few moments of waiting, Sophia finally came back into the room accompanied by the very Eleanor Calder herself.

Oh shit. As soon as she walked, I immediately looked to Louis to see his reaction. So did Danielle C.

Louis' jaw slightly dropped as his eyes met Eleanor's, and Eleanor...I actually felt bad for her. All eyes were on them.

Eleanor POV

No. No, no, no, no, no. What? I don't think the girls are my problem anymore...

I felt the ground beneath me sinking, and my skin felt like it was burning under his stare. My chest rose as I breathed heavily.


"Eleanor..." He trailed off, and took his hand away from Danielle's to stand.

Seeing the mother of his child was bad enough, and his new girlfriend. Pictures as well, but seeing him with Danielle in person, holding her hand...

My heart was breaking more and more. I blinked tears away.

"Oh my God." He breathed. Danielle watched his every movement like a hawk.

We heard the front door open again, and Alex walked in. Oh no...

"Hey, you forgot your suitcases." He said, and shut up immediately when he noticed everyone looking at him.

Louis' eyes went to Alex's, and I couldn't read his face. He looked confused, hurt, sad, angry...everything I was feeling.

Louis was wondering who the hell this guy was, and why he supposedly had her suitcases.

The tension in the room only grew.

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