Battle at the Sea part 3(3/3)

Start from the beginning

Ren raised her trident in front of her and started spinning it around rapidly creating a circular shield of water. But the shield only held up for a few seconds until the needles started making their way through the shield little by little. Ren gritted her teeth as the needles struck her in several places. Erza fell down towards Ren swinging her sword at her head, but Ren dipped the tip of her trident into the water and pulled it up causing a blast of water to blow Erza backwards. Ren exhaled loudly as she pulled out the water needles, which lost their form when they were pulled out.

As Erza flew through the air she flipped backwards to put herself in a less awkward position and the second she landed she bolted towards Ren. Ren anticipated Erza's desire to keep on the offensive and sent multiple razor sharp ice like saucers at her.

'These again.' Erza's mind raced as she saw the ice saucers coming her way. The way they were spread out and the speed she was going she couldn't dodge to the left, right, or up. She contemplated going underwater but she noticed a few circular silhouettes.

'Underwater too!' running out of time Erza quickly reacted and slid on her knees and leaned back so her back was nearly touching the water. As Erza slid under the ice saucers Ren charged at her with her trident pointed forward, ready to impale her while she was vulnerable. But this was Erza she was fighting and Erza wasn't one to be taken out so easily. As Erza slid, she spun on her knees and in one fluid motion got back on her feet and swung her sword using the momentum of the swung to knock Ren's trident to the side.

After she parried aside Ren's trident, Erza flipped her blade to strike at her, but she brought to block her face when Ren spit out her own water needles from her mouth.

'Disgusting.' Erza thought before she was kicked in her gut and sent sliding across the water. The second Erza came to a stop she had to spin to dodge Ren who was thrusting her trident to Erza midsection. As Erza spin she hit Ren in the back of the head with the hilt of her sword, causing her to lose balance. Erza attempted to continue her attack, but had to jump back when Ren lashed out with her trident. Judging by the slight stinging from her stomach, Erza could tell that attack hit. Of course it was only a slight cut nothing life threatening, but that cut along with her other injuries, were starting to pile up.

Erza leaned her head to the side to dodge Ren's trident, but she couldn't dodge the knee that rammed into her stomach, causing Erza to spit out some blood and bend over in pain. Ren continued with her attack by jabbing the blunt side of the trident into Erza's back, then flipped the trident and attempted to stab her in the back. But Erza sensed the finishing blow and immediately took action, by punching Ren in the thigh muscle, causing her attack to stop from the pain that ran through her leg. Erza then gave a quick elbow to Ren's side and followed up with a knee of her own to her stomach and elbow to the back of Ren's head. Erza then gripped her sword with both hands and swung it down at Ren who was hunched over, but said bitch rolled forward and dodged the strike, then jumped away to create space.

Both combatants glared at each other, while taking in the others condition. Ren's yukata was ripped, torn, and shredded at multiple places. Blood from her injuries stained her yukata. While Erza's armor was cracked, broken, and missing her headpiece all together. Both were reaching their limit but neither were willing to give in.

So they set their feet and launched themselves into battle once again.

"Too slow!" Natsu taunted as he lazily flew around dodging a couple of flying torrents of water. Natsustuck out his hands and caught the torrents of water in his hands. The torrents of water continued to press against the palm of his hands, but Natsu'sstrength was too much. He eventually got bored and decided he had enough of his little test of strength. So he directed the torrents of water so they slammed into each other right in front of him, destroying themselves.

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