Not sure who will read this

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ok so not sure if anyone will read this or not, this is not a question that has been asked many times so I'm not really sure if anyone actually cares, anyways back to the point.

Where have we been?

It sometimes occurs to me that we haven't updated anything on here and there's a reason for that.

My reason: I didn't update the fan fic on this account because I have stopped writing anime fan fics mainly and writing other things, I have multiple ideas in the drafts on here, some for brainstorming, some I already have things planned and am writing, I plan to finish those things or get at least half way through them before even thinking of publishing them, I have also been helping Cat with her new fan fic idea.

Cat's reason: Cat hasn't done anything on here because- actually I have no idea why she hasn't, she still looks up memes and makes her own, I guess she forgot about this? lol. Anyways Cat has recently came up with a fan fic and has been using her time to write it and come up with it, it will not be published any time soon because it takes her forever to write just one chapter and then I am her editor and I won't let her post a chapter until the book is written and edited that way characters acting how they shouldn't be isn't a problem and there are not that many plot holes.

~ Jade

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