"Sorry." He chuckles. "Oh, Genji and I were just talking about Christmas. The three of us usually spend the day over at Jesse's. Did you want to join?"

I stare at Lucio surprised he's asking her to join suddenly.

Her eyes wavering. That's right...everything started at Jesse's house. I expected her to reject the offer.

"That sounds fun." She says with a smile. "Should I bring something?"

"Oh, no need. I'll get some snacks and drinks prepared for the day. You just need to bring yourself." Jesse smiles as she nods.

"Okay, I can't wait then." She smiles as the three of us walk over to our seats.

Lucio elbows my side and wiggles his brows.

"You can thank me now."

I tilt my head as I look at him. "For what?"

"For setting up your date."

I raise a brow at Lucio. "Date? Aren't you two going to be there?"

"Well, yeah but we want you and Hana to have some alone time too." Jesse says as he takes his math book out.

"Guys, I don't think she's ready for anything serious."

"So? Doesn't mean you can't be BFF's to start off." Lucio grins.

"Yeah, get to know each other first and let the magic take off from there." Jesse smiles at me as I slouch in my seat.

My heart feeling a mixed emotion. I've tried so hard to ignore my feelings for Hana because it was wrong to like a girl my brother dated. But it's different now...Hana's single. There isn't anything blocking my way from letting my feelings grow. The only thing stopping my feelings right now is - myself.

- - - -

Jesse and I search aimlessly in the crowded mall for a gift for Lucio.

"Man. Did he tell you what he got us?" Jesse asks as we sort through music albums.

"Not at all. I was surprised he even got us something early. He's usually the one to last minute shop." I answer him as I place an album back on the shelf.

Jesse and I sighing as we stare at the walls full of Cd's.

"Well, we need to find something for that guy. I need to find something for your ass too." Jesse mumbles while ruffling his hair.

"Tch. You didn't even get me anything yet either?"

Jesse's eyes glaring at mine as he smirks.

"You didn't get my gift yet either don't pretend like you did."

I raise my hands up to surrender as the two of us chuckle.

"I'm going to look around a bit. Let''s meet up around the food court in two hours." Jesse says as he walks towards the back wall of the music store.

I put my hands in my pocket as I exit the music store, staring at the shops around me in this massive mall.

I not only have to get those two a gift but I want to surprise Hana with something too...but what? We barely knew each other for me to have the slightest idea. I know she loves fashion but would it be weird to get clothing for an acquaintance?

My shoes walking over the white marble flooring as I pass by several clothing stores. I stop at a particular one.

"Oh." I mutter. A mannequin dressed in an outfit that reminds me of Hana. A pink coat with fur around the hood down to the ends, a knit dusty pink crop sweater, white skater skirt, pink wool scarf, a few pieces of jewelry, and a small black purse to tie the outfit all together.

 A pink coat with fur around the hood down to the ends, a knit dusty pink crop sweater, white skater skirt, pink wool scarf, a few pieces of jewelry, and a small black purse to tie the outfit all together

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I shyly enter the store as a clerk notices me.

"Hello!" Her voice chipper.

"Hi there." I smile at the girl as she silently gasps from my smile.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually yes..." I glance over to the mannequin. "Can I purchase that entire outfit?"

"Of course, may I ask what size the clothing items should be in?" She walks over to the mannequin, pulling the tags off the inside of the clothes, double checking.

Fuck, I don't know her size. She seems like a small? I'll just keep the receipt if she needs to return it.

"Small." I answer the clerk with a smile as she nods.

"Perfect." She smiles and removes everything from the mannequin. "Can you follow me to the register?"

I nod as I follow her. She quickly rings everything up. The total surprising me.

"Alright, that's going to be $128.15" She says as I gulp nervously.

"Are clothes usually that expensive for girls?" I ask her as I take my wallet out, pulling out my credit card.

She giggles and nods her head. "Sometimes, just depends where you shop."

I pay for the outfit and thank the girl for helping me as I leave. I pray Hana likes this outfit.

"Alright, time to shop for the boys."

I smile as I look at the bag containing Hana's gift.

- - - -

That Girl  || D.va x GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now