"Food Fight!" They all belted as I giggled and nodded.

"You people would." The woman scoffed, stepping aside as we hid the items behind our backs as we made our way towards the rear of the stage. Just as the countdown neared its end, Trevor was seen pacing down the hall. Followed by Matt, and then Kevi.

"Where's Demi?" I questioned just as they stepped aside, the brunette was just a few feet behind, sporting her black spandex one piece, covered with a white vest. Her hair messily pulled to one side.

"That's my best friend." Marissa cheered as Taylor and I faced her. "Oh don't give me that look, you get to see her naked." She playfully scolded as I covered my face.

"Please stop talking." I mumbled through my hands.

"Oh that makes you uncomfortable, you two making out makes me uncomfortable." Marissa happily pulled Demi into an embrace as I groaned.

"Does she even have a filter?" Taylor wondered as I shrugged. Demi hadn't glanced my way, whispering to her friend who gave a gentle nod before they separated. Marissa had rejoined us just as Demi took the stage. I was weary on what the woman next to me was going to say, but surprisingly enough, she stayed silent.

The stage lit up. Music began to play and everything went full speed ahead once again. Fans cheered. The placed roared. I enjoyed the energy I often received from the amount of joy and excitement which welled up within the place. But what caused me to smile that evening was the fact that my heart was happy. Although I knew that there were still things I would have to work on and try to fix or even understand about myself and my past relationship, I was content on moving forward.

"Follow me." Marissa finally spoke up, pulling my whipped cream can from my fingers and handing it to Taylor. We pushed our way beyond the black curtain and stood off to the side of the stage. I was confused on what we were doing there, but basked in the fans singing along to Demi's songs. But the second I thought she was going to wrap up, I had realized that she hadn't sung the song she had written.

"She's going to sing a raw song as a finale?" I was surprised to say the least as Marissa latched onto me, her arm wrapping around my shoulder.

"You worry too much."

"I don't worry enough." I studied her arm. "What's going on?"

"Shush!" She instructed just as Demi stripped off her guitar, and the boys made their way onto the stage behind her. The crowd fed off of their appearance, screaming and squealing as loud as they could just as Demi happily pulled her microphone up into her hands.

"So I know this is supposed to be my final song and all that." She shrugged as everyone 'awed' her gesture. "But I thought, why not perform something special for you guys here in LA." Her words caused an uproar of support before she spoke once again. "Now I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Cheat Codes." They screamed again, as if everything she said had to be filled in with constant cheers. "They came to help me write this song this morning, so its not perfect, but I think it has great potential."

Marissa began to happily shake me as I finally pulled away from her. I could see what was going on and I wasn't too sure if I wanted to be a part of this. If they thought that they could prank me before I could prank them, they had another thing coming. But as Demi continued to pace the stage, high fiving fans just before facing the guys, I sensed something different completely.

"We wrote this song because I needed her to hear me out." I caught her brown eyes darting in our direction, her smile evident as she faced the crowd.

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