I watched, as she nodded sadly. 

"I know. It was also the place where I first met your family."

"It's all right lyubov' moya." (my love)

"As for how much larger... four stories, twelve bedrooms and four full and three half bathrooms. Aside from the ones in the bedrooms. A huge kitchen, living room, dining room, den, library and family room on the ground floor along with two sun rooms on each floor."

"My God Roza, you built them a mansion?!" To say that I was shocked would have been a grave understatement.

"I wanted to build it bigger but mama and babushka wouldn't let me." She pouted. God, what a glorious woman she is, and she is all mine. (grandmother)

Which would never cease to amaze me. After all the terrible things that I have said and done to her, the deplorable way that I had treated her after she got me restored. And yet she still forgave me and loves me. She is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most amazing and loving woman in the whole entire world.

"Do you have any idea just how extremely sexy you look when you pout like that detka?" (baby)

I watched her eyes gleam in amusement.

"Why don't you show me soon."

"Oh, don't you worry that beautiful little brain of yours about that detka because I intend to do just that." (baby)

Her laughter was both magical and musical all at the same time, it made my heart soar. I longed desperately to kiss her until neither of us could breathe properly. But she did it for me. After our kiss, the conversation continued. As I tried to catch my breath and slow my heartbeat back down.

"So, we can have Rose's coronation in four days, which would be Saturday. The coronation banquet and the ball will be a couple of hours after the actual coronation because most of the women will want to change dresses between events. Rose, is there anything specific that you want for the ball?"

"I want everyone, dhampir and moroi, royal and non-royal, in attendance for both the coronation and ball as well as for the banquet. As for the people that are on duty. I want each of them to be given at least forty-five minutes to eat, but i would prefer an hour, and they are to be allowed to eat from the banquet as well. That also goes for the wait and kitchen staff. Also, anyone else who is on duty anywhere around court. As for food, I would appreciate food from not only America, but also from Russia, Romania, the UK and Turkey. As well as some dishes from Scotland, to honor my mother and her heritage."

"You are already such a magnificent Queen Rose, just no one knows it yet, but they soon will. You will make a far better queen than we have ever had, myself included."

I watched on as our present queen smiled at her niece and goddaughter, who is our future queen, and the love of my life.

"Now, the banquet will be before the actual ball. Do you have any specific food or drinks that you want passed around during the ball?"

"As long as they stick to what I have already said, no."

"Ok, what about the cake? It will be brought out at the beginning of the banquet but do you have any specific flavors you want?"

"Chocolate!" We all answered for her.

Roza looked around the room before she said, "ha ha, you are all so hilarious that I forgot to laugh."

I watched as she rolled her eyes before continuing with a smile. "But yes, at least one tier, hopefully the largest one, chocolate. How many tiers should it be?"

Queen Thorn (complete)Where stories live. Discover now