13. One For The Books (Edited)

Start from the beginning

I heard the clicking of heels, against the tiled floor. "Oh, yes of course..."

"Aiden!" I hissed, as he set Mrs. Earnshaw's coffee cup right smack in the center of her desk and sprinted to the supply closet, shutting himself inside and peeking up through the rectangular glass window, just as Mrs. Earnshaw walked into the classroom.

My eyes widened, before I quickly took my seat on the opposite end of the room, next to the awning windows that gave you a perfect view of the outside campus. Riley took her seat next to me, before leaning over towards my ear.

"What's he doing?"

I just looked at her, tapping my foot nervously, before watching Mrs. Earnshaw shut the door behind her, walking right past the supply closet that Aiden was hiding in. I cold feel my breath getting caught in my throat, praying that she wouldn't see him in there, peaking his head around to watch her, a glint of mischief in his eyes. I could already tell that Aiden was antsy, waiting for everything to go down. And I was too, but not in anticipation of what was about to happen to Mrs. Earnshaw. It was more anticipation of how the heck Aiden was going to get out of the supply closet unseen.

I gulped. This is not going to end well.

Mrs. Earnshaw smiled her I'm in control, I have all power over you smile, before walking around her desk, standing directly in front of the white board.

"How are we today class?"

Mrs. Earnshaw was a middle—aged woman, in her late forties, if I had to guess, with dark black hair that was cut in a bob—like hairstyle. Her petite frame made her look a bit younger than she was, but unfortunately it didn't allow her to act anything other than her age. Let's just say she isn't one of my favorite teachers, so that had to guarantee the fact that she wasn't Aiden's favorite teacher either. Not only was she an AP teacher, but a regular biology teacher as well. Which probably explains why Aiden is doing what he's doing. He obviously despises her.

Only a few people in the class responded to her earlier statement as she proceeded to pick up her coffee cup that read, #1 Teacher, taking a sip.

I thought...

My eyes widened as she smiled and the entire class went silent. Her teeth were now stained a dark blue color, something I knew Aiden had a hand in. I looked over at Riley who placed her hand over her mouth, eyes wide, meanwhile, across the room, Carter began laughing, but quickly masked it with a cough into his shoulder. I sneaked a peak at the supply closet to see Aiden rolling in laughter and that couldn't help but make me start to laugh too.

He's so lucky that supply closet is sound proof.

Mrs. Earnshaw furrowed her eyebrows, before turning around and walking to the board.

"Alright, class, turn to page..." she reached her hand down to grab the dry erase marker that was placed on the tray holder, just on the bottom of the board, all the while I was anticipating what was going to happen next.

Again, my eyes flickered to Aiden who was grinning as he watched her through the glass window. She went to grab the dry erase marker, but instead of easily picking it up she furrowed her eyebrows upon realizing that she couldn't.

"What is this?!" she whispered, pulling and yanking on the marker, meanwhile the whole class was snorting in laughter, covering their mouths and trying to hide it. It seemed that everyone had figured out what Aiden had done.

"What—! What—!" she cried, before turning around frantically—her teeth still stained blue—and grabbing the handle of the drawer near the bottom of her desk. She yanked and yanked, but nothing would budge. I couldn't help the smile that was forming on my face watching this struggle. Oh my god, it was hilarious.

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