"Funny seeing you here," she teases me, throwing her keys on the table and coming to sit by Jordan. Tyler has always been used to me being here when I'm not on tour. In all honesty, I'm probably over here more than my own house.

If I'm being truthful, I was thankful for Ty. Despite her spit-fire temper, she kept Jordan some-what stable when I was gone on tour (as far as I could tell anyway), something that is no easy feat. However, she's fiercely protective of Jordan; as am I.

There's something about J that just makes you want to hold her in your arms and shield her from the world. Maybe it's because she's too nice. Well to everyone except me.

The proximity had brought Ty and I closer together since she became friends with Jordan in 8th grade, but that never stopped us from teasing each other relentlessly.

"I'm gonna need my own room soon," I grin, noting that both the girls are now above my heads. It makes me feel small and inferior. To match them, I lift myself up onto the island across from them.

"So, I've got some news," J can't contain her smile, but she still looks nervous. I give her a reassuring smile, urging her on.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT AREN'T YOU?" Ty blurts out, causing Jordan to choke on her banana.

"Fuck no! Dude, I'm single!" She looks exasperated, appalled even.

"Eh, things happen," Tyler shrugs, throwing a suggestive glance my way. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Guess again," Jo encourages, getting more and more excited.

"Ummm, you finally found that leopard thong you lost?" Ty asks hopefully. I swallow the bit of fruit I'm chewing to avoid choking.

"No- well yeah I found it, but that's not the news," she laughs, finishing off her banana and sitting the peel aside.

"Good, your ass looks great in that thing it's a keeper," Tyler smirks, hoping off the counter to grab some food from the fridge.

I blink hard, trying to shake the mental image of Jordan in a thong out of my head before it became apparent somewhere other than the back of my eyes.

Fuckin hormones.

"You're never gonna guess," Jordan sighs, watching as Ty grabs some yogurt from the fridge.

"Then just tell me!" She teases, licking the peelable lid of the small plastic container. Jordan looks at me one last time before finally spilling the beans.

"I'm going on a worldwide tour with the boys!" A smile crosses her face as she finally gets it off her chest, waiting for a reaction.

What she gets isn't what she was hoping for.

The mood in the room takes a 180.

Tyler freezes up, her eyes getting wider. Her pupils narrow as she looks back and forth between Jordan and I.

"You're what?" She asks quietly.

"Ty, hey, easy, let me explain," Jordan lowers herself slowly off the counter, walking towards Tyler with careful steps. Suddenly, she backtracks, running back into the kitchen and checking the cabinet. She holds up something long and blue, with individual letters spread across is and multi-colored pellets inside. I can only make out 'S M T W' before she stows it away again, looking at Tyler with scared eyes.

"You're leaving me. Jordan you told me you were never gonna leave me, you promised!" Tyler's chest begins to heave with heavy breaths as she walks backwards quickly, countering Jordan's advances.

"Tyler it's not the same as what you think it is. I'm coming back I promise." I can hear Jordan getting upset, her voice beginning to catch. Getting up quickly, I walk closer to her. I'm still a few feet away but I know she can feel where I am, and I pray that it helps her stand her ground.

"They told me they were coming back too Jo, and what did they do? They fucking left me! And now you've gotten sick of me and you're gonna do it too, fuck," Tyler begins to suck in shorter and shorter breaths, her sentences getting more jumbled.

They? Whose they?

"Tyler I could never get sick of you, and I'll never leave you, you know that. It's only for a few months," Jordan almost seems to be pleading, trying to get Ty to calm down enough to understand.

"Bullshit. You know exactly how long a few months can seem like when you cry yourself to sleep every night because you miss someone so much," she spits the words and I hear Jordan gasp, taken aback at her friend's words.

"Tyler-" I speak up, preparing to defend Jordan. I could tell how distraught she was getting, and it was making me mad. I never do well when others hurt people I love.

Both girls turn their attention to me. Jordan's eyes are pull of panic, while Tyler's are laced with hatred.

"You can shut your mouth Luke Hemmings I don't give two shits about what you have to say. You're stealing the only good thing left in my life, taking it away from me simply because you don't want to sleep alone on your pampered little tour bus. So you know what, fuck you," she yells.

I open my mouth to retaliate, but Jordan appears in front of me with a pleading look in her eyes that makes me pause.

"You can't reason with her when she's like this, just let her get it out of her system," she mumbles, louder than I'm sure she meant to.

"Out of my system? Out of my system? Are you fucking serious right now Jordan?" Tyler's voice escalates, and she's no longer backing up; she's advancing forward.

Jordan mumbles a quick "shit" under her breath before turning around.

Tyler's eyes are scrutinizing until she stops for a moment, the epiphany blatant on her face.

"You never fucking told him did you? Are you really that ashamed of me?" Tyler whispers, as if saying it will make it true.

"Tell me what?" I ask quietly, not wanting to ignite anything else.

"Ty it's not like that-" Jordan starts but she's abrupbtly cut off, her lips closing with a slight 'pop'.

"Get out. Get out of this house. Go on, go, go tell your boy toy about your freak show of a friend. Go, please, I'm dying to see his reaction when you unload all my shit on him. Video tape it for me?" She hisses, before turning on her heel and storming off into her room.

I can hear Jordan crying but before I can comfort her she's moving, grabbing a notepad and scribbling a note quickly before sticking it on her fridge and grabbing her keys, heading for the door.

Before I follow her, I manage to read her sloppy writing.

I know you didn't take your meds this morning. Please take them they're meant to help. I'm sorry. I love you. xx J


wow so i havent updated since about 2002

anyways, things are gettin a little better so bare with me:)

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