Chapter 14

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Raine's POV

He tucked my hair strands and held my face.

The next thing I knew was my mouth in his.

I don't know what was on my mind. All I know was his minty tongue inside mine. I don't know how mine tastes like. I just don't hope to taste like vomit or some other shit. But I still devour his taste.

His hands wrapped around me and I held him tightly. I'd definitely fall down if he didn't hold me.

Jitters all over my body and something like a kilovolt electricity through my spine.

Gasping for air I removed my mouth from his. I still cannot believe that he just responded to my kiss. Now I don't know how to face him. I am so embarassed. I turned backwards with my flamed cheeks. He held my arm and stopped me.

"You don't have to get embarassed, Claire. You can share whatever you are feeling if you are comfortable enough. Shall I get you a drink ? "

I nodded. I'll have time to slow my pace and clear my head out. I couldn't just deny the smile that has been plastered along with these red flaming cheeks.

I sat down on the couch there in the balcony. Soon, he came with the drink and sat beside me. I could feel the cool breeze touching my skin. The stars all over the sky and everything peaceful.
It isnt noisy like it is inside. We both sat in peaceful silence .

I realise now that everything I had before was just an attachment. Real happiness feels like this, calm and peaceful.

"I thought I had loved him. May be I did for too long." I broke the silence.

He turned his face towards me but I didn't.

"I thought I was in love." I continued, "Love with his smile, his eyes. I thought I saw truth in his eyes. May be he never loved me. That was just an imagination that he did. But everything was a lie. He cheated at the end. He did. He said me those hurtful words. He said that I never let him touch me. I thought he understood my past and bad experiences and all those nightmares."

Again a silence filled the air.

" Its okay that he didn't love me but its not okay that he faked them.

Its okay if someone doesn't love you as much as you did. But its wrong to make one feel you love them when you actually don't. Moreover its a crime."

A lone tear dropped through my eyes.

"If you cannot love someone, you should at least respect them right ? " I cried.

He put his arms around my shoulder and wrapped me into a hug. I hugged him tightly and let all the tears flow. I cried my heart out.

"Shhh shh.. Its okay" Those were only the comforting words I could hear.

He pulled the hug and wiped the tears.

"Listen, Just remember not everyone is worth your trust and love. Someday you'll find someone who is trustworthy and will repect you and your love. And smile at you and your nose even if it is running like it is right now." He chuckled.

I chuckled too and wiped my nose.

"Now Miss Claire, Will you do the honor of smiling and show me your billion worth dimples? "

I smiled. He always manage to do this to me.

"I found." I said out of sudden.

"What? " He asked.

"Someone who is worth and would smile at my running nose."

The alcohol is definitely on my system corrupting it. I don't know if I am going to remember all these tomorrow.

He raised his brows.

"Nothing, can I have another drink ?" I asked.

"You sure you want it ? "

I nodded.

I didn't realise I drank so much of wine. Its too much for my body to handle. All over the time I was laughing and I just felt happy.

After hours, Xavier took me in his arms and drove us home. Yeah this was new start for me for a new year. All over the time, I think I started like him.

He carried me in my room. He removed my heels and covered me with a comforter. He kissed my forehead and murmured goodnight. He thought I was asleep but I could feel him even though I passed out.

That night was most peaceful night for me.

But every peaceful night has an ending. And there my headache started the next day. I woke up very early because I was having unbearable headache. May be this is called the hangover.

I walk towards the kitchen to get some aspirin. I pulled out the drawers and searched for it.  I couldn't get them. And I need to get rid of the headache. I think I should ask Xavier about it.

I entered into his room. He was sleeping in his bed placed at the end of the room. I know this is wrong to search through people's drawers but I couldn't just bear this headache. I opened the drawers of the nightstand  in search of them.  I pulled out the last drawer. I was surprised with what I saw.

There wasn't any aspirin but there it was. There it was, my passport and a note stuck on it. It read,

The very first time I saw you,
It was like you ripped a piece of my heart and took it with you.
And all I could do was watch it being taken.
I don't have any obligation though.
You were all my heart wanted.
I couldn't chase you
But I could keep you with me.
You with me, close and my heart with you, closer.
So perfect.

Very sorry for the late update.
With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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