Chapter 8

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Xavier's POV

I took my keys and got out of the apartment. All the way to the café the only thing I could see was her. Her eyes, which held so many emotions in it. She seemed like a open book but couldn't recognize which chapter she's in it. Those beautiful eyes covered by the thick rimmed glasses fitted perfectly on her square face. Her glasses hid all her emotions. Her lips never made a curve yet so pretty.

I've seen so many curves till this all time but her smile is the only curve I am waiting for.

Such a beauty she is.

What are you ?
Unlike are pulled
Like are green
Different essence you have
Naive World !
Blind you are
You've not seen her yet
She is invisibly visible
Not all can see her
Not all can see her.

If only I could keep her with me. Like I'd see her all the time, make her smile. At least before she leaves I want to see her smile. How would she look when she'd smile ?

She's all over my mind. I feel like I am driving aimlessly. I finally reach to the café I had picked her up from. I walk inside towards the counter. A lady about 40 greeted me with her smile.

"Good morning sir. How may I help you ? " she asked.

"Umm... My friend supposed to drop her passport here yesterday. Do you have any idea about it ? " I asked.

"Yes sir. One of our waiter had found it. Wait a minute sir. " she said with a smile.

She handed me the passport. I opened it and looked at her photo. I thanked her and got out of the café.

Now that I have her passport she'll go away soon. Not soon she'll leave today. In a way I do want to help her and on the other side I want her to stay. I've no idea what I am going to do.

I started driving towards the apartment. I got her some chocolates so that may be she could smile or it would be something like farewell for her. Arghhhh !!! Farewell ? No I don't want that.

I even buy some flowers. Orchids. May be she'd like it. I have never thought in a lifetime that I'd be buying some flower shit. I've actually thought that some old romantic sappy man would buy it. Not that I am but still I felt may be it would make her happy or at least smile.

How desperate I am getting to make her smile?  Damn it. I've just met her for a day and she's turned me into this. Hold a grip Xavier.

I finally reach to the apartment. I am still anxious about her leaving. I know I'd love to help her but her leaving is actually killing me. If she doesn't leave I'll cook some damn tasty food ,take her for a walk and celebrate the new year with her. I really want her to stay. Anything to make her stay.

I opened the door. I roam my eyes to find specific something... or someone.

There she is, in the balcony with my guitar on her hand. I've not  played it for a very long time. And I don't allow anyone to touch it. I keep it like my baby. But she played it. I can't actually know what I was feeling. I am not annoyed that she played it without my consent. The guitar comes to life when she plays it. Whenever she touches the strings it feels like her fingers are touching the strings of my heart.

Damn when did I get so sappy ? 

Her long dark hair was swaying along with the wind. I cannot see her eyes because of the glasses. They make her so unreadable.

She noticed me that I was in. She looked at my face in a hope.

"Hey !! Did you get it ? "

What should I say ? If I give it back to her,  she'll leave and I don't want her to leave but I also want to help her. But if I deny, that would be a lie right ? I would be selfish.

I see into her face. I decided.I'd rather be selfish.

"Ermm.. No , I  didn't."  I lied.

Hello !!!
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With Love;

The Known Stranger Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz