Chapter 7

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Raine's POV

I walk towards the door turn the knob and walk towards the dark hallway. He looked at my face as soon as I enter the living room.

"Hey, you fine ? " he asked.

"Yeah , I cannot sleep. " I said.

"You can join me and watch television. May be you can sleep then ? " he spoke.

I nodded and sat down and stared at the TV.

We sit and watch at a complete silence. Or may I say super awkward silence. Shall I look at him ? Shall I just watch TV?  Am I behaving weird ?

Of course I am acting weird. I don't know why I am like this . I fiddle my fingers anxiously. I know he is subtle about my behaviour.

Okay just once, let me see at him. His dark face just had a shadow outline and the only source of light was the television. Even with this minimal lighting he can manage to look so appealing.

"You need something ? " he broke the silence.

"Umm water may be ." I reply.

He gave me a glass of water. I drank all of it and knock the only vase on the table unknowingly which is now shattered into pieces. Oh shit !!!! Not again.

"Oh !! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. I am really sorry ." I turn downward and start picking up the pieces.

"Are you crazy or something?  You'll cut your fingers. Its just a vase ." He held my hands,and his face.... concerned?

Okay,I just cannot deny the jitters in my body due to his such mere touch.  What the hell is happening to me ? Why does my body respond such quickly to him ?

"I don't know . I am sorry. I didn't intend to. It doesn't have any sentimental values. Does it ? I am.. "

"Hey hey !!! Shhh !! Don't worry its just a vase. I'll pick it up okay. "

Why is he so polite and is this way ? He pick up the pieces and throw into the trash.

May be if he was not so polite, it would have been easier for me. At least my body would not respond to him. This is seriously so infuriating.

"What has actually happened?  I am sure you'll feel better if you share. " his face hopeful.

I don't think I am in anywhere near the condition to explain myself. I have had a long day. And the annoying fact is I can't sleep. And I don't want any of my sappy stories to come out and cry again and  feel vulnerable.

In addition to it I don't think I'll say this to him. Just because he's helping me doesn't mean he means anything to me right ? Tomorrow I shall book the tickets and move out. May be he will never see me. So there's no point to give my any details right ?

"I'll talk to you later. I hope I can sleep. " I say and move towards the room I claim mine for the night.

I shutter my eyes open. Yesterday was horrible. I need to get a shower book my tickets back to London and never be back here. I want to have nice grade this semester and forget about him.

I take a long hot shower enough to keep myself calm the whole day. I changed into faded jeans and a white top. I think I should ask  Xavier to help me book my tickets. Let me get my passport first.

I hastily open my bag to take out my passport. I searched the entire hand bag and even the suitcase. Hell!!! I can't find it. Don't say I lost it. Hell I did. God !!! What am I supposed to do now ?

I go out towards the kitchen. Xavier was there cleaning the counter.

"Hey!! You okay?  " he asked.

"I lost my passport and I've no idea how am I returning back ." I put my hands on my head.

"Don't worry !! Have you checked it properly ? " he asked.

"Yeah I did. I had it till yesterday. I don't know I think I dropped it somewhere." I am so in trouble now.

Shit happens everytime. There yesterday I find out that my boyfriend turns into my ex then I find this helpful handsome guy in the café. Café !!! Yeah !! I think I dropped there. That waiter guy he knocked into my bag and it fell down. It must be there.

"I got it. "I exclaimed.

"That café where you picked me up. There, a waiter knocked into my bag.  It had to be there fallen. Yeah !! Can you take me to the café Xavier, please ? " I said.

"You take rest. Make yourself feel home I'll get it for you. I'll be back in an hour okay ? "He asked.


"Okay !! I'll make lunch for you then. Thankyou Xavier for everything. " I thanked him.

He took his keys and went out of the apartment.  I don't know how to thank this guy. I just hope he finds my passport.

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