Chapter 16: Speedster

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"What the hell Strange?!" Tony yelled.

"I didn't know Spider-Man was Peter! How could I have known?!" He yelled back.

"I don't know? Do your creepy magic stuff?" Tony mocked him.

"Listen, I put my kid in your hands and you speak to me like this?!" Strange yelled.

"Your kid? You left me. I'm not your kid. Or Tony's. I'm May's kid because she put up with me while you were running like a coward!" I yelled as tears leaked out of my eyes no matter how hard I fought them.

"Peter. I'm sorry. I just wanted what was best for you. I couldn't find you, May had moved and I'm just so sorry." He apologized.

"Whatever, it's not like we can change the past and stop Doom from ruining everything. Probably be able to save a lot of people too!" I laughed, trying to stay positive in this extremely negative situation.

"I think I know someone who can." Tony said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Two letters, BA." He grinned.

(You'd only get this if you read part 1 of this series)

"Oh, you've mentioned him before." I said.

"No I haven't." Tony looked at me oddly.

"Yeah you have. Oh wait, that was my dream, nevermind." I shook my head.

"Dream? What dream?" He asked.

"Coma dream really, I remember you saying his name. BA. Who is it?" I asked.

"Me." A gust of wind hit my face and a 6'0 foot man in red with a lightning bolt on his chest appeared.

"Flash! Just the man I wanted to see." Tony smiled and hugged him.

"Wait. How come I've never heard of you before?" I asked.

"I'm from a different universe. Most of us are. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman. The list goes on. We come by to help every once in a while." He smiled.

"Time travel? In this different universe can everyone time travel?" I asked.

"No. Only speedsters like me. How do you think they all get here? It's always through me." He smiled.

"Alright, you can take your mask off Flash." Tony said.

"There's a Flash here too." I started to say.

Flash's eyes widened with fear.

"Crap, did I mess up another timeline?" He mumbled.

"What?" We all asked.

"Nothing. Who is this Flash?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's his real name. He's a bully at my school." I said.

"You can take your mask off." Steve said.

Flags nodded and slowly took it off. Ironic.

He took it off and I saw his face. He was a kid, just like me! He was in his twenties at most.

"The names Barry. Barry Allen. I'm the fastest man alive. When I was-" He began but Tony cut him off.

"We've heard it before Barry, c'mon." Tony lead Barry to the lab.

I followed with Bruce behind me.

"Mr. Allen here is a forensic scientist at the CCPD in his universe and is a bit of a genius like us." Tony explained.

"How do you two know each other?" Bruce asked.

"We met through Batman. Bruce Wayne needed help with some science stuff and he needed more than one person for it. We spent a month together at least!" Barry explained.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Helping Bruce. We worked forever and with Wayne even. We disguised ourselves as butlers. It was horrific, never again." Tony got green a little.

"What about you Peter? How did you meet Tony?" Barry asked.

"He's dating my aunt." I said.

"Hmm, what about your parents?" He asked.

"One's in the other room. And the other one is dead." I said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Listen, my mom died when I was 11. My dad was sent to prison when he never did kill her. I grew up without my father and was raised by his best friend. My real dad died recently just when I got close to him." He said. I could tell he was still hurting from it.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said.

"Don't take your dad for granted, Peter. Spend the time you have left with him. It could end at any moment." He said.

"Thanks, Barry." I smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm a hugger!" He went in for a hug. I was awkward but then eased up.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Always. You guys don't happen to have a Big Belly Burger here do you?" He asked.


Any Flash fans?🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🤷‍♀️

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