Lightning For The Deaf

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The clouds grew a heavy gray, quickly passing over the moon. The air smelled like static, or electricity. A light drizzle began.

Marie grabbed a few candles and set them aside just in case. Then, stirred her tea and grabbed a book. She wrapped herself in a blanket and sat down in a chair. She immediately immersed herself completely into the book. She didn't look up until the house shook.

A flash of light cut through the sky. The rain was pouring down quickly, and the branches on the trees whipped furiously. Marie was hypnotized by the flashing light, only wishing she knew what it sounded like. Then the house shook again and the lights above flickered out.

Now with two senses taken away, Marie scrambled to find a lighter. Tendril of lightning lit up the room as they snaked across the sky. Marie grabbed for the lighter and lit the candles. She blew a piece of hair out of her face, and sat back down in the chair.

Marie watched the flame dance on the thin wick, the light was calming. She picked up her book again, taking in the smell of old books.

When Marie read, she could try to make up the sounds. It didn't matter then, because no matter who read it, all the sounds were made in their head. That was the way she was connected to those who could actually hear. The sounds were described with detail, so if you had never heard anything before, you could experience it all the same.

Outside, the storm continued. The wind was violent, lighting flashed, and the house shook after each bolt. But inside, Marie was content with a good book, some tea, and a warm blanket.

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