The Shadows

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There was a pause, almost unnoticeable. Caroline's mother didn't want to let her go to the party. Even if there were going to be responsible adults, so she was told, she didn't trust that Caroline was telling the truth.

"How are you going to get there? I have a meeting an half an hour before you need to be there," Her mother said.

"Fredrick is driving me and Hannah. We might stop somewhere to get some food first, though," Caroline said.

"When are you coming home?"

"I dunno, Mom, why are you so worried? I'm smart enough to come home at a reasonable time."

Again, a pause. "You don't have any homework? Is your room clean?"

"No, and yes. Happy now?" She snapped.

"If you don't get your attitude under control there'll be no way you're going to that party!"

"I'm sorry," Caroline mumbled.

Her mother sighed. "If you call me when you get there and when you're home, I suppose you can go."

"Thank you!" She yelled as she ran up the steps.

An hour later, and Caroline was ready to go. Her mother had already left, so it was just her. Outside, a car horn went off and she assumed it was her friends ready to pick her up. Fredrick was hanging out the window, waving her over.

"Hey, Caroline! I love the dress!" Hannah yelled from the car.

Holding out her dress, Caroline looked at her lavender dress. Tight from the waist up and ruffles at the bottom. It matched perfectly with the necklace she was wearing, too.

"Thanks, your hair looks nice," She said, sliding in next to Hannah and Fredrick starts driving. "The curls look better than when you straighten it."

"I know, right?"

"Alright, even though I love when you guys have your girl talks, I'd really like to figure out where we're going to get some snacks. They're got us on soda duty. Have any ideas?" Fredrick interrupts.

"Coke and Sprite," The girls both say at the same time. Caroline looks to her and they laugh.

"Okay... I guess that's what we're getting. I'm just going to pull into this store really quick." He gets out of the car, but leaves the keys in.

"So...where exactly is this party?" Caroline asked Hannah.

"Oh, so Ellie, you know the short one, her family owns this huge piece of land and it has a big house that goes with all of that and it has a pool, too. But then, there's these sheds full of a bunch of party stuff in there from her parent's party planning business, so it makes it ideal for the party."

"Sounds awesome."

Right after that, Fredrick comes out of the store carrying eight boxes of soda. Each of them are piled high, almost covering his face. As soon as he steps off the curb, two of the boxes fall off the top.

"Oh well, I guess two of them are going to be extra fizzy," He laughs and picks them up.

On the way to the party, they talk about what's going on at the party and about school. All that gossip no one can stand not hearing about.

Caroline scrunches up her face as soon as they pull up. The house was nothing like Hannah had described. The house was in no condition to be living in; the roof tiles were crooked, one of the windows were smashed, the pool's water was grimey, the once light blue exterior was graying, and the sheds just looked plain creepy. Hannah was going through the same thought process.

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