It was nice to feel like I was helping people. I also talked about people who were considering being a nanny and not knowing where to start. I remembered how it felt when I first started, and how terrifying it was. At least I had my dad to help me out, and youtube definitely played a hand in a lot. I also went online for questions to answers I didn't know. I couldn't really ask Kara's parents, they were hardly around. I lived in an apartment two blocks from them, but if they needed me to stay with Kara at night, I had my own room. It tended to happen a lot. I had weekends off most of the time, but I was usually around anyway if they needed me. Kara had about three more years before she could be self sufficient to where she wouldn't need me as much as she does now. She'd probably still need me to help her with food, but for the most part, she'd probably be able to take care of herself. Then I had no idea what I was going to do.

        I pulled out my shopping list and walked toward the grocery store. I had to pick some stuff up for my own apartment, and I had to get cake mix for Friday. I promised Kara we would bake one. As I filed through the grocery store I went through the aisles picking up what I needed. I pulled out my phone and dialed my dads number. He answered on the fourth ring. "Hello my daughter."

          "Hi dad." I said and rolled my eyes. But I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face.

          "How are you? I haven't heard from you in like a week." He told me and I know. I felt bad that I couldn't talk to him all the time. I felt our relationship was starting to disappear. I hated that feeling. 

            "I know. I had to prep Kara for school. She started third grade today." I told him.

           "She's growing up so fast. You did too you know. I blinked and you were 18 right before my eyes." He told me.

             "How's Wendy?" I asked him changing the subject. They had gotten married last year. It was a small court house thing. Then we all went out to dinner after. It was nice. They moved out of our house, to a more private one a couple of towns over. It sucked not to have him as close, but I knew it made him happy.

             "Oh great. We're great. We've been just fixing things around the house. It's starting to really shape up nicely. I'll send you some pictures when I get a chance." He told me. "Or you could just come to visit and see it." He said and I knew that was coming.

            "I know, I know. I will soon. Once things settle down, I'll take a trip. Luke can bring me." I told him and he just said, "Mhmm."

            "I promise I will okay."

            "Okay I hope so. Love you." He said.

             "Love you too. Don't forget the pictures." I told him and then he hung up the phone. I'm sure the house looked amazing. Knowing my dad, it looked great. I missed being home with him. It wasn't the same on my own. I missed him running around the house, forgetting where he put everything. That's what I was used to. Now I'm an adult, and things were changing.

              I paid at the register and walked back to Kara's house. Luckily I didn't have too many bags, so the walk was bearable. If it was awful I would've called for a taxi. Once i got back to the house I unloaded their groceries and made sure I had all mine. I didn't get much for myself, especially since most of the time I ate here. But I still had to make sure I had something in my house. It was mostly frozen dinners, but it worked. Once I finished at her house, I began walking back to my apartment. All the walking that I did really did wonders for myself. I had never been one to exercise, but the walking worked. I still couldn't drive. Since I had a seizure recently. It wasn't too bad though. Before that, I had gone an entire year without having one, but they loved to play tricks on me.

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