Maria X Reader

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A/N: AAAAAAAH! Thank you SO much for 141 views! I am so sorry I am just now getting to your request, but I hope I'll be on more c:

Promot: "Please help me.." (Your recent bf/gf/family member abuse and you run to them for help/or they come for help)
Special Request: None
Ship or x reader: x reader
AU: the request didn't say, but I'm going to make it an 1800's
Requester: ameuana_aphasia
(I didn't get much info on this, so if it isn't what you wanted I'm sorry)
Side note: I'm sorry the you gets repetitive. I never got a gender so I didn't want to to chose that.

It was very early in the morning. To be exact the time was 12:04 am. You had read about the Reynolds Pamphlet, but you understood why it happened. Your friend, Maria Reynolds, has been abused by her husband. She hadn't said anything about it, but you knew. She would have bruises, cuts, or anything along that line on her exposed body. On top of hat her husband, James, or better known as James Reynolds would always watch her. He had probably threatened her to do this so he could get money.

You were in your little library at the moment, reading by the fireplace. This was always your place to relax, but your relaxing was soon interrupted by a knock at the door. You sigh quietly as you put your bookmark in the book on the page you stopped. You were getting to the climax of the story! You closed the book afterwards then set it on the wooden side table. You stand up from the rocking chair and make your way out of the small room.

You made your way over to your front door, then turned the noob to see your friend, Maria Reynolds. She had obviously been crying from the fact her cheeks were puffy and her eyes were slightly red. You stood out away from the doorway so you weren't blocking her entrance. Maria made her way inside. After she had stepped inside you closed the door and locked it back up. You led her to your small home library. When you entered the room you sat down in the rocking chair you had previously been reading in. Maria sat down onto the wooden couch and began to speak.

"As I assume you have read, I have destroyed a man's marriage. Not from my own wanting but from my husband's wish of money".

"Does he cause the bruises?"

Maria simply nodded at your question. She looked down at her lap, she looked as if she was going to cry. You walk over to the couch, sitting down beside her. You wrap an arm around her for comfort. She accepts the small embrace, leaning into your side.

"May I stay here for a little while until this brushes over? I wrote a note to my husband talking of a divorce. I'm scared that I could get beaten for it. You're the only person I can trust.."
"Of course, stay as long as you need" you offer.

Maria looked up at you "Do you mind getting us some tea?" She asked, sniffling slightly after she spoke. You nod "Yes, of course" you respond. You were about to get up until there was a hand on your arm.
"Wait, never mind"

You tilt your head slightly at this, but sit back down nonetheless. "Stay with me?" Maria asks. You nod as Maria got into a comfortable position the couch. You soon lay down as well, her snuggling into you.

"Maybe you could write a Reynolds Pamphlet of your own, because I think I'm in love-" Maria fell asleep at the end of her sentence. She spoke to quiet for you to completely hear though. You heard bits and pieces, but that was about it. You shook your head slightly, smiling. You gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before closing your eyes in an attempt of sleep. You two ended up falling asleep onto the couch that night, still in each other's embrace.

A/N: I know it's short and isn't exactly a ship, but it's fluffy and adorable. I can make another part as well if needed, but I just wanted to get something out.

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