Chapter 2

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Pierre P.O.V. 

It's been a year in jail and I'm finally getting out, bitches. Now let me introduce myself. My name's Pierre Orson. Son of one of the biggest Mafia Lords in Europe. My older brother, Antonio is in charge of the 3rd Mafia business in America. I'm 23 years old and single. I moved here 2 years ago and because one of my brother's dealers was an undercover cop, I was caught. They are still looking for my brother, but can't find him and they most probably won't. We got an underground hideout that nobody knows about, except for the ones who came from Europe. My Dad wanted to expand his "business", so that's why we're out here in America, risking our lives while Dad just sits on his dry ass making money and killing people for no damn reason. But hey, who am I to talk? I do the same exact thing and it's probably why I've been send out here.

My Mom couldn't handle me, 'cause I'm too much like my Dad. Anyway let's enjoy the rest of my fucked up life shall we?


Today's the day I get out. I'm so ready to find the guy that put me in here. He fucked me up big time and he will die for this. It's the first thing I'm going to do. I actually had to stay in jail for 4 years, but because of good behavior and other things that I can't really say, I got out. 

"Hey Orson! Let's go!" The guard groaned in annoyance as he opened the gate of my room.

I walked out and looked him straight in the eye. I'm not scared of these people, and he should know that. I walked past all the other prisoners, who are scared of me by the way. And the ones that aren't, I respect. I would be scared of me too if I saw someone with tattoos all over his body walking my way.

I'm making my way to the room where they give me my stuff. They give me my clothes that I came here with, my wallet with money. I check in it. It's fucking empty.

"Who took my fucking money? Give it back or I won't hesitate to-"

"You'll do what? Huh?" He cuts me off. "You're not even out yet, make our day easier and better, don't you? Do something and we'll just put you back in." The guy behind the desk says.

Oh, don't you worry, I will get my revenge on you. Everybody knows not to steal from an Orson. The penalty is torture until you slowly die. I took my stuff and walked to the bathroom to change.

When I walked out fully clothed, I threw the orange jumpsuit on the guard and walked out like a boss. Damn, I really need a cigarette. I follow another guard out and wait for them to open the gates that will lead me to my freedom. After what seemed like 5 minutes, the gates opened and I saw the sight I would never have thought I'd seen. 

My Dad was standing leaning against the black SUV smoking a cigarette. His head turned to me and he smiled. But I didn't give him one back, because Dad never smiles. When he does it's for Mom or when you will get beaten. I almost want to turn back to go inside.  

I walk over to them and my Dad immediately gets in the car, I follow him. The car is silent for 5 minutes. You could only hear the engine of the car. Suddenly I feel punch to the side of my face. Told you. I'm pretty sure it will leave a purple mark later. 

"Look at me, boy." my Dad demands. I turn my head to look at him. My eyes don't even meet his and I feel another punch in my face. I hear a crack sound. He just broke my nose. 

"What's the number 1 rule you don't break as an Orson, Pierre?" I didn't answer him. I was used to the pain, but still I deserved this. I got caught. It's my punishment. 

"Answer me, boy? What is it?" he asked again.

"Never get caught, sir." I answered blood dripping out of my nose and I could feel it coming into my mouth.

Disgusting I know. 

"I hope you learned your lesson. If this happens again, you're not my son anymore." he threw me his handkerchief and the car came to a stop.

The door opened and I was being pushed outside by my Dad, probably tired to look at his disgraced son. I landed on the ground and was being pulled back up by 2 large men. They were bigger then me. The window of the car came down. 

"You know what to do." the men nodded at my Dad and dragged me away. I looked up and saw an abandoned house. They pulled me in and that's where I could feel pain. They punched me till I landed on the ground. Blood was everywhere on the carpet. Then they started kicking me. They pulled me up and let me sit on a chair. They one by one started breaking my fingers. I screamed and tears were spilling out of my eyes. Not a good sight to see. When they thought I had enough they put my fingers back in place. Yeah, still cried my eyes out. 

Now, you're probably wondering, why aren't you fighting back? Let me answer it for you. I don't wanna go against my Dad. If I do well, you heard it, I'd be disowned. Or I could be killed "in action" and I'm too young to die. I still need to find my beloved. 

You're probably wondering, what the fuck is a beloved? Well, in my family we believe in love at first sight. It's the first person that makes you want to jump in front of a car or a grenade, well anything that saves your beloved from getting hurt.

Anyway back to present. One of the men apologized saying "hey boss, it's only business nothing personal" and I just glared at him. Now that I look at them, the fucker made my own men beat me. I got off the chair with no help and walked to the bathroom to clean my bloody face. 

When I was done, I walked back to the living room acting as if I didn't just get my ass beaten by my own men and lied down on the couch. One of the men gave me an ice pack and I put it on the side of my face. Sometimes I think about going my own way and look for a job, but I can't, because this is the only job for me. I need to punch something when I get angry, preferably another guy.  

Maybe if I find my beloved, I'd change or maybe everything will change. Let's hope for the best. 


A/N : I wanted to put a chapter of when Pierre came out of jail and how his parents/family thinks of him. The next chapter will be of when he meets Dior. Thank you for reading. 

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