Hospital Vibes

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I wake up
There's lots of beeping
Where am I?

There's muffled whispers of familiar voices. I look in the direction of the noise to see my social worker, Mike and Nirvana sitting in my hospital room. HOSPITAL. How did this happen. I can't remember anything after NOT eating lunch. "Hello sunshine, look who's awake!" Mike says joyfully before nudging Nirvana who was listening to music. He first looked flustered but smiled when he saw I was awake. He rushed over and hugged me. At first it was awkward but I eased into it.

" Your cheek looks better!" He laughed. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. What happened? Mike and Morgan (my social worker) walked outside to talk to the doctors to see if I could go home.

"Nirvana what happened to me?" I ask a tear running down my cheek.

"You don't remember?"

" I only remember us having lunch!" I whimper.

"Hey hey... don't cry" he says embracing me again. This time I hugged him back immediately. I felt safe even though we hadn't known eachother that long. We had a connection. A bond some might say. It's hard to get one as a care kid

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