Night Time Silence

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After dinner, which I barely ate, Ryan and I decided I should go change first. I went up and got into my shorts and a t shirt that said "basic". Ryan came up and I went to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror. Still too fat. I had a quick cry before re entering my room. There was a topless Ryan looking out the window. He looked so.... I don't know how to put it. He turned around, blushed, before going to his draws and slid on a Nike top.

"You're eyes are red!" He pointed out still not looking at me. I tucked my chin into my neck before getting on the bed. Matt had sent another message.

Matt: Nice pic baby gave me a good one👅 send more later💋💋💋

"You crying again?" He sighed. Ryan sat up and just stared at me. It was like he was waiting for something to happen. But nothing happened. My cheeks were still moist from tears and he still had a disgusted look on his face.

"Night?" He muttered before turning the light off.

Ryan POV

I was woken up by heaving breathing and sobbing. It was Cecelia. I looked at my digital clock and it said 3:13AM. She was shivering loads and I was starting to get worried. "Cecelia..." my words took her by surprise but her sobbing still continued. " Do you want me to get Mi.."

Cecelia interrupted me with a harsh "No!" Those were the first words I heard her say to me. I jumped off my bed and sat by hers. She didn't stop crying. Her top rolled up a bit and I could see a thick scar on her lower back. She caught me looking at it and immediately covered it up, tears still running down her pale cheeks. She looked so weak and I hated it. I couldn't leave her like this.

"Cecelia, follow me..." I whispered while getting up. She took my hand and I opened the door.

Cecelia POV

Ryan led me down the hall, my hand still in his. We stopped in front of a while. He gestured me to look up and I saw an entrance to an attic of some sought. I climbed up the ladder trying not to make any noise.

When we were up there, he sat me on a dusty bean bag. Then he sat down next to me. It was silent but somehow this nighttime silence was helpful. I just thought until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I realised I was lying on Ryan's shoulder. He was sleeping so I got off slightly before getting fully up. I was just about to make it for the door when I hear " Leaving so early babe!" I turned round to see a freshly woken up Ryan with a cocky smile on his face. He ruffled his hair before approaching me. "You should talk more you know, I like your voice," he said getting even closer. I looked up as he was a few inches taller than me. All he did was stare into my eyes. His chocolate brown, were full of mystery. Then his fade went to my lips. I was frozen. I couldn't do anything. He started to lean in. No, I couldn't. That's when my hand met his face.

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