"Brooklyn? Kaori?" He called out as he got out of bed. He briefly registered that he wasn't wearing his old clothes. He was now sporting a black robe with golden trimmings on the edges. It was really weird because the clothes were really long so they dragged. He didn't want to know who had removed his old clothes though.

He was more interested in not tripping in these ridiculously long robes. He huffed, "Who the hell wears these kinds of clothes? It's like when I was little and I used to wear Hiro's clothes for fun and I would always trip on them."

Tyson yelped as he tripped on the hem of the robes, groaning in pain, "Geez, this sucks." He stood up and started walking again, trying to not trip again. He looked around to notice the room was dark, the only light coming from a small candle. There were no windows so Tyson didn't know if it was day or night.

"Okay, this is getting freaky." He said as he walked towards the door. He paused, wondering if it was locked. He took a deep breath and exhaled, pushing the door. To his surprise, it opened.

"Brooklyn?" He called out as he peeked his head, looking both ways but seeing only endless stairs ahead, "Kaori?"

He sighed, "Great. It seems I'm at the top of some tower." He closed the door to the room and started walking down the spiraling stairs, slowly descending because Tyson didn't want to trip on the ridiculously long robes.

"Just great. Who in their right mind would make so many stairs," He whined as he stopped descending, taking a short break, "Don't they think about others? I might keel over before finding my way out of here. And I still have no idea where Brooklyn and Kaori are at. Not to mention Takao . . ."

As he started walking down the stairs, mentally cursing the stairs and the robes, his mind drifted. He thought about everything and anything. All of his thoughts just brought back the dreams he had, the ones where Dragoon looked like a human and was hanging out with 'Chaos' and 'Night'. What were those dreams really about, anyway? And why did the name 'Chaos' sound familiar?


Tyson jumped up in surprise, snapping out of his thoughts. That loud, obnoxious voice! It was Hilary's! Was she here too?

"Hey, Tyson!"

That was Max's voice! Why did he hear Hilary and Max's voices at the end of the stairwell? A horrible thought crossed his mind and Tyson gulped. What if they were kidnapped just like he was? What if they were being tortured right now? Well, on second thought, they might be okay. They didn't sound like they were in pain, after all. Were they okay?

"Tyson, will you hurry up?"

"Tyyyyyyysoooooon! Hurry up and get down already!"

Ray and Daichi. How had they gotten here? Tyson grabbed the edges of his robes and ran down the staircase. Were they okay? They might sound like they're fine but what if they were hurt? He wasn't taking any chances.

After the long run down the flight of stairs, Tyson reached a black door. He took a couple of breaths before grabbing the door handle and opening it. He gasped and took a step back, eyes wide.

Tyson was met with a large dining table, twelve chairs at the edges and one chair at each end. But that wasn't the reason he was surprised. He was surprised that, at the end of the table, was a male that looked and dressed exactly like him except his eyes were fiery-crimson. And, unlike Kai's, these looked as if they were burning with a mysterious fire.

His look-alike smiled, "Hello, Tyson. I'm glad you could join us."

"Us?" Tyson asked, looking around and jumping a little when he noticed three of the chairs were occupied. Kaori and Brooklyn were seated next to each other in the right side of the table, tied down by thick ropes and looking very uncomfortable as they were trying to get rid of their restraints. Like Tyson, they weren't wearing the clothes they had been in when they were kidnapped.

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