Chapter 9: Flowers, Misunderstandings, and Square One

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It was over, for real this time. He lost Thomas. Honestly, as much as this hurt, he was happy for Thomas. All he wanted for Thomas was for him to be happy, and if Angelica made him happy, then so be it.

He got up and grabbed the quilt Hercules had made for him for his birthday. He wrapped himself up in the good memories of the two of them and continued to cry.


To Thomas: hey, uh, i found some flowers on the ground in front of the coffee shop and i think they’re 4 u.

Thomas’ phone buzzed and ruined the moment. “Excuse me, Angelica.”

To James: what makes u think the flowers r 4 me?

To Thomas: hold on, i’m coming in.

Just in that moment, James Madison walked in with the beautiful bouquet of flowers.

“Hey, look,” James handed the flowers to Thomas.

“Please forgive me, from Alex?” Thomas read the ribbon. “This is beautiful, but why were they just sitting outside?”

“I dunno, but I watched him run out of here crying, so something must’ve happened,” James said worriedly. “I’m worried about him, Thomas. Go check on him for me, will you?”

“If he lets me in.” Thomas took a deep breath and acknowledged Angelica. “It was a pleasure talking to you. Thank you for everything.”

“No problem. I’m always here for you,” Angelica smiled and waved as Thomas left the coffee shop.

‘Man, I hope everything’s okay,’ Thomas thought as he walked down to the apartments. He wasn’t going to date him, he was just going to talk to him as a friend.

He made it to Alex’s door in no time. He tried knocking, but that didn’t work. Luckily, he hadn’t gotten rid of his key and unlocked the door to see an Alexander Hamilton snuggled into the quilt Hercules made for him.

“Alexander?” Thomas called carefully.

Alex’s breath hitched at the familiar voice. “F**k off, Thomas,” he growled.

“Whoa, I didn’t mean to...are you okay? I found your flowers,” Thomas stammered.

“Oh great. Glad you found the f**king flowers! Keep them!” Alex cried, his voice hoarse.

“What’s wrong, Alexander? What did I do? Talk to me-”

“Talk to you!? Talk to you!? I was going to! I went to the coffee shop to talk to you, to ask for forgiveness, but then I saw you already moved on!”

“Alex...what are you talking about? I haven’t-”

“Angelica! I saw you smiling and holding Angelica’s hands, making googly eyes at her!” Alex yelled, finally sitting up to look at Thomas.

“Alexander...Angelica’s just a friend giving me support from what you did to me,” Thomas’ voice started raising.

“Oh yeah, sure! You keep telling yourself that,” Alex growled.

“Are you seriously jealous? I’m not even your boyfriend anymore,” Thomas argued. “You’re the one who broke up with me! You’re the one having relationship issues, so excuse me if I move on! I’m not dating Angelica! She’s helping me move on from the heartbreak, which you caused! So don’t you f**king tell me you’re jealous cuz you have no right to be!”

“I still f**king love you, Thomas! I always will, but all I do is cause you pain! Professor Washington told me to make it up to you, but you go behind my back and find someone else!?”

“Angelica is just a friend! How many times do I have to tell you!?”

“I don’t believe you!” Alex yelled. “Get out of my room!”

“No, Alex, listen to me-”

“Get out!”


“Leave me the f**k alone, Jefferson!”

Alexander covered his mouth. He hadn’t meant to call Thomas by his last name, claiming him as an enemy once again. Thomas only huffed out a laugh and nodded.

“Fine, you wanna play that way? We can play that way,” Thomas left the room and returned to Lafayette’s, where Laurens was waiting.

“Is everything okay? I heard yelling,” Laurens asked concerned.

“It’s nothing, Hamilton just needs some space,” Thomas growled and wrapped himself in Lafayette’s blanket on his bed.

“Last name basis again?”

“It appears so, but he started it,” Thomas sighed, feeling a tear escape an eye.

“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry,” Laurens apologized and sat on Lafayette’s bed so he could rub Thomas’ back.

“Didn’t you have a class to get to?” Thomas’ voice sounded broken, and it hurt Laurens’ soul.

“I decided to skip it in case you came back like this,” Laurens replied. “I want to do everything I can to help you...if you’ll let me help?”

“Thanks, John. I could really use the extra comfort,” Thomas sniffled then broke down in front of him.

“Shh, shh, it’s okay,” John full on hugged him now. “I know it hurts, but this will be over soon.”

The two of them stayed like that until Lafayette took over at noon.


(1332 words)

Sorry I updated this late, but I'm busy watching Descendants with my cousin, so I gotta go! I'll see you on Monday! Bye!

I Don't Deserve You (A Jamilton College AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz