Chapter 15

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Billie woke up to a Tré crushing him. "Tré get off me" "You're comfy" "You just woke me up" "Its 9:04 you're lazy" "Don't I know" "When are we getting a dog then?" "Dunno. We'll go looking tomorrow" "Alright" "Can you get off me please?" "No" "I swear to god" "Why what are you going to do my Green Eyed Amigo". Billie started tickling Tré. "NO BILLIE PLEASE STOP. BILLIE PLEASE STOPPPPPP" "Jesus calm down" Billie chuckled. He carried on tickling Tré to the point where he was either going to piss himself or throw up due to so much laughing. "PLEASE BILLIE STOP". Billie eventually stopped and Tré was trying to get his breath back. "Want to get something to eat?" "Nah Tré bear i'm fine" "Alright. Since when the fuck did you diss food?" "Since now bitch" "Oh big words" "Fuck off Tré I can't be assed right now" "Alright then". Tré walked off and locked himself in his room. Billie sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair. After about 42 minutes of staring at the floor Billie went and knocked on Tré's door. "Please come out Tré" "FUCK OFF" "Tré don't be like this" "Go away Billie" "Tré please. I'm sorry". There was no response from Tré. Billie sat down against the door, knees up. Tré was doing the same but something else at the same time. He had his blade in his hand, scraping it across his wrist. One line after the other. "Tré. Please" "Ow. Billie fuck off I don't want to talk". Billie gave up and sat there for a few hours waiting for Tré. "Tré. Will you come out now?". There was no reply. "Tré?". Nothing. Billie stood up and kicked the door in. "TRÉ!?" Billie knelt down beside Tré and tried shaking him. "Tré c'mon man wake up". Billie picked him up and ran out to the car. He rushed down to hospital as quick as he could. He walked into A&E with an unconscious Tré. Nurses and doctors took Tré away and told Billie to stay in the waiting area. Billie refused and kept trying to go in to see Tré. They called security and the had to restrain Billie. "YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME. I'M NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO SEE MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND! THIS IS A PISS TAKE WHAT THE FUCK!" "Sir please calm do-" "I WON'T FUCKING CALM DOWN TRÉ'S IN THERE FUCKING DYING AND I CAN'T DO JACK SHIT". Billie finally calmed down when Mike arrived and sat in the waiting area "Hey Bil-" "Shut up. Its not going to be okay". They both sat there in silence. Mike felt quite awkward. 5 hours passed and they were finally allowed in to see Tré. "What happened?" Tré mumbled. "You were rushed into theatre babe. Me and you had a little argument and you locked yourself in your room. I tried getting you to come out but you wouldn't. And yeah. Look at your wrists.." Billie said, trying to hold back his tears. He has to stay strong for Tré. Tré looked down at his wrists and cried. "I'm sorry Billie..." "Hey Tré its alright". Billie looked at Mile then walked out. He went to find a doctor. "Excuse me, Doc. Is Frank Wright able to be discharged?" "He could. But he needs to get therapy for his depression" "I don't think he'll want that" "Its either that or a mental institution" "Okay. I'll make sure he gets therapy". The doctor walked off and Billie was stood there, rubbing his forehead thinking what to do. He ran back to Tré and Mike wasn't there. "Wheres Mike?" "He had to go" "Oh okay. Well uh. The doctor said you can be discharged but you have to get therapy. If not go to a mental institution" Billie said looking down at the floor. "I'm not going to a fucking mental institution and I'm not fucking getting therapy either" "Babe you need too" "Billie Joe Armstrong. I am not doing either of them" "Okay pretend to go therapy" "Yeah fine okay". Billie walked out to let Tré get ready. Tré walked out 5 minutes later and stared at Billie. "What?". He didn't say anything. "No Tré stop you know I don't like people staring at me. It makes me uncomfortable". Tré giggled and started walking with Billie. Billie kissed Tré's cheek and held his hand. They both walked out to the car after Tré got discharged. Billie drove home. Neither of them said a word. They got inside the house and sat down on the couch. "You look rough Mr. Cool" "I was in hospital" Tré replied bluntly. "Yeah..". Billie couldn't help but blame himself. "I'm sorry Tré. It was my fault" "No Billie it wasn't. Don't blame yourself" Tré said softly. He cradled Billie in his arms and kissed his forehead. "I love you Billie". Billie wrapped his arms around Tré. "I'm never going to let you go" Billie mumbled. Tré smiled and replied "Neither will I baby". They sat in silence for a while until Billie spoke up. "Do you want anything to eat?" "Yeah bitch" "What do you want?" "Whatever. I don't mind" "Alright". Billie stood up and walked to the kitchen. He cooked up some sausages and put them in a sandwich. "HERE YA GO BABY" Billie shouted as he walked in with the sandwiches. Tré smiled and took away one of the plates from Billie. "Thanks Green Eyed Bitch" "Your welcome Crystal Blue Eyes". Tré smiled at the nickname and ate his sandwich. "Jesus did you even fucking eat it? Like fuck. You legit got the sandwich, put it in your mouth and swallowed it straight away". Tré sighed. "Billie. You don't need to be awkward or nervous. I know what I did and it was on purpose. You don't need to distract me from it. To be honest you were probably distracting yourself instead of me. I'm just frustrated at being 'the freak' in town. I'm always second best" "What no Tré. I'd pick you over anyone any day. You're not a freak, you're different. But being different is good, but who gives a fuck? I don't and neither does your family and you shouldn't too. You're fucking fine the way you are babe and I mean that" Billie softly spoke and held Tré's hand. He slightly smiled and kissed Billie. Tré slowly climbed onto Billie's lap. "Ah mate you're on my dick" "Uhhh yeah Billie" "Shush. Mike's ringing". Billie answered his phone. "Better be important I was uh. Listening to music" I just wanted to check up on Tré. How's he doing? "I don't know. He uh.. Umm. Y'know uh. Asleep" Mhm hm. What's he actually doing? "I told you he's asleep" Billie I know you're lying "What the fuck Mike. I'm not lying" Billie "Mike" If you two are y'know just say and I'll go do something more important "Well he's doing fine and we're not doing whatever you think we're doing. He's asleep" Alright. Bye Bill Bill "Bye Mikey". Billie hung up and looked at Tré. They both giggled. "He uh.. Umm. Y'know uh. Asleep" Tré mocked. "Shut up. I panicked okay" "Yeah whatever". Tré started moving his hips. "Oh fuck Tré" Billie moaned. After a few minutes of Tré moving his hips he climbed off Tré and watched the tv as if nothing happened. "Tré. You're such a tease" "Yep" "What am I going to do now?" "What do you mean?" "Well my dick went PING and y'know" "Wow great explaining BeeJ" "Tré pleaseeeee. Come here" "No I'm asleep now". Billie rolled his eyes and cuddled up next to Tré. "Nu uh sister do not put yo dick near me" "You don't mind it any other time" "I was joking about Billie Joe. Lighten up a little" "Yeah whatever". They both had a quick fag and went asleep.

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