12. Apply Pressure

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After we'd both taken showers, Abby and i decided to make dinner for my mom.

"It's really sweet of you two to make me dinner, i've had a long and boring day." My mom sighed as she took another bite of the grilled chicken Abby made.

i moaned and i savored the flavor. "This is so good Abby."

She smiled at me and softly grazed my knee, "Thanks."

Mom began to speak, distracting me from Abby's subtle strokes on my legs. "So Abby, the police department is working on getting Gretchen locked up now."

"Why? What happens when she gets out? She'll kill me." She started panicking a little, and it was my turn to rub small circles on her thigh.

"Don't worry sweetie, she'd be put away for murder and 2 counts of attempted murder." Mom was a lawyer, and i knew she had looked into Abby's case.

Abby chuckled, "Gretchen can't be caught. She made my dad's death look like he fell down the stairs, and she made my first attack look like i ran into a wall."

My mom stopped in thought. "Well that's true, but you're a main witness and you still have bruises right?"

Abby nodded. "All over my body."

"We could use that in the case...?"

"They'd say that i could've inflicted it on myself."

Mom thought again. "I know. Take a video of Gretchen hitting you-"

Abby tensed and so did i. "Mom i don't want Abby going back there."

"Yeah i don't wanna go back." Abby added.

Mom sighed. "i'm sorry you two, but it's the only way. Or even if you could get a recording of her confessing to killing your dad."

Abby thought for a moment. "Ok. I'll do it."

Abby POV

It was time for me to go back. Cody's mom had wired me with hidden mics and video cameras.

"I called the investigators down at the police station, they'll come in and listen to the recordings and videos. It'll be live, so everything she says will be caught immediately." Mrs Lanes explained and i nodded nervously.

"Will the cameras switch off if she punches me?"

"Depending on force. Does she hit hard?"

"If it's meant to kill." i said softly.

Cody softly pushed his mom away from me, "They'll surround your house but lay low, as soon as something goes wrong they'll all come out."

Mrs Lanes nodded in the background.

"She's evil." i whispered so only Cody would hear my worries.

He rubbed my arms softly. "I'll be there, in the tree okay?"

I nodded and pulled Cody in for a hug. "i'm scared."

"I'm here."

Cody had dropped me off at the corner, and i'd have to walk the rest of the way with the investigators surrounding the area.

They were in trees, bushes, and even dog houses all around the house. They were extra quiet and  stealth in their black clothes, they blended in with the night.

I exhaled as my house came into view. I knew Gretchen would be extra angry.

I rang the doorbell and stood back.

Gretchen's voice could be heard as she told her devils she'd be back. As soon as she opened the door she slapped me upon realizing who i was.

"I'm sor-"

Another slap. "You inconsiderate b¡tch! I told you that you ought to clean and cook for us and you go off like that!"

She dragged me into the house by my hair, roughly tugging it. "Start cleaning! You'll get no sleep tonight Abby." she gritted through her teeth.

Tears fell down my cheeks at the immense pain from my head. "Is this how you plan to kill me too?" i asked.

Gretchen stopped and let go of my hair, but then grabbed my chin roughly. "Sweetheart, if i wanted to kill you i would've done it long ago..." no keep talking "like i did your father." Bingo.

I heard a bush shuffle and i knew the 'stealth team' heard that.

"How did you kill him ? I never really asked." my voice was shaky and unsure.

"Him and i were arguing over whether you should go to live with your mother or not, your father was going bankrupt. And we all know the only reason i married that man was to get money for my precious daughters." she walked into the kitchen, Mary and Claire sat at the kitchen table eating take-out.

"I couldn't just let him run out of money like that, I needed the money! So i looked through his draws, a once wealthy man always has life insurance right?" she chuckled as she sipped her coffee.

"Once i found it, i became mad. He'd let us suffer by him being alive? Not on my watch. He started shouting at me to divorce him if I didn't want a broke man. Of course i couldn't divorce him, he wouldn't be a broke man but he'd be a dead one instead," she laughed again.

"I lost my control and pushed him down the stairs. His neck snapped and his back broke. Dead. I became richer and you became my luggage. Of course I didn't know what to do with you, I couldn't really kill you because eventually your mother would ask for you, right?"

"So i decided you'd clean and do whatever I say. But," she stood up, towering over me "i found life insurance papers. Your life insurance papers. And I knew I'd hit the jackpot with this family!"

She picked up the butter knife on the kitchen counter and I prayed the stealth team would burst in any minute.

"So, now I can kill you and claim! And be richer!" She laughed like a villain and then tried to stab me, but I dodged it.

"It wouldn't be a mistake, it would be murder if you stabbed me." i said.

She stopped. "I'll stab you and then put your finger prints on the knife, so it looks like suicide." She mumbled "The poor little girl couldn't stand life without her rich daddy, she took her own life. How sad." She pouted and then pushed the knife forward into my stomach, I couldn't fight back or dodge this time.

My vision went blurry as she twisted the knife, I knew she didn't puncture anything but she damaged surrounding organs a little. Biology was always my favorite subject.

I faintly heard doors and windows being broken, and Gretchen being thrown to the ground and handcuffed. The twins were held back while Gretchen was carried out.

A pair of strong arms held me tightly, "Are you okay?" The voice asked. cody.

I looked down at my shirt, the blood had spread. "Take me to the hospital."

Cody looked confused until he saw the huge red stain on my shirt. I guess the camera didn't get the part where she stabbed me, they probably only heard it.

"She stabbed her!" Cody shouted. "Call 911!! NOW!" He roared as more blood gushed out the wound.

"C-Cody," I said as he trembled "grab a kitchen cloth."

He obeyed. "Apply pressure to the wound." I instructed and he did just that, I winced as he pushed hard. I knew that I could die from blood loss, but I wouldn't die from any organs being punctured.

"Abby stay with me!" Cody shouted as I began to feel sleepy. I knew consciousness would not be my friend if I fell asleep.

"Cody, just keep applying pressure." sirens could be heard from outside the house and Cody hoisted me up.

"No Cody keep applying pressure!" I hissed since it was the only thing I could do.

Cody tried to apply pressure while carrying me outside to the paramedics.

Once I was put onto a stretcher I passed out. Maybe I'll visit my dad while I'm unconscious.

so guess whaaaaat!? i'm writing again omg it's a miracle lol

-yours truly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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