5. Victim

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I sat on my bed, scrolling through instagram and facebook.

"ABBY!" Gretchen screeched from the kitchen.

I flew off my bed, and ran down the stairs  "What's wrong?" I asked as I began to pant.

"You didn't throw away garbage, it's nearly 10pm and I bet you were going through instagram or something stupid like you!" Gretchen screamed. Mary and Claire sat in the lounge, snickering at my pain.

"I'm sorry Gretchen. I'll throw the garbage away now." I sighed, walking passed her to throw away garbage.

I walked onto the lawn that I had mowed the day before, and across the road to the dustbins. A figure stood behind the dustbins, as I see it I begin to feel nervous and uneasy. Well anywhere is better than Gretchen's house. I shrug.

"Hello?" I call. Nothing.

"I can see you. Just wave back if you're aware of my existence." I chuckle to myself. This person would probably be the first person to acknowledge my existence.

"Hey princess," The familiar voice said, I smiled as he stepped into the light.

"Codyyy!" I squeal and hug him. He chuckled.

"What're you doing outside beautiful?" He asked as he stroked my back soothingly.

I sighed,"She made me throw away garbage..." I trail off, tightening my grip on him.

"It's ok princess, I'm here." He coo's and I instantly calm down.

"Cody, take me with you. Kidnap me, take me hostage. Please," I begin to cry into his shoulder "Gretchen makes my life hell. The other day she said she'd start hitting me everytime I did something wrong." I sobbed harder into his shoulder, and he continued to rub my back soothingly.

"If she hits you, call me right after and I'll come get you. Ok?"

"She takes my phone sometimes. I only have my laptop... but I'm sure she'll take that too." I sigh, pulling away from Cody's warmth.

"Every night I'll come to your window, yeah?" He lifted my chin up with his finger. "I'll check up on you. Is that ok princess?" He coo'd again.

"What if she sees you." I hiccuped on tears.

"She won-"

"ABBY!!! Who are you talking to? Get in here! NOW!" Gretchen The Demon screeched at me from the porch across the street.

"Off to hell I go." I lightly chuckle, hurriedly wiping tears away from my cheeks.

"I care about you Abby. Facetime me all the time and email me princess." He kissed my forehead and I nodded. He muttered a quick i love you and started walking down the road.

I sighed, crossing the road entering the doors of hell again. I'm imprisoned in my own house.


"Abby. Wake up." Gretchen calmly said. I woke from my slumber and saw a smiling Gretchen standing over me.

"Are you ok Gretchen?" I asked, worried. She never smiles. At all.

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