2. The Water Girl

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Third person

Abby dreamt of doughnuts and Zac Efron while Cody carried her to the nurses office. His feet over ruled each other with each step as he was desperate to get Abby conscious again. He felt bad.

"She's unconscious." He panted to the nurse.

"Oh dear, what happened?" Asked the elderly woman, perhaps in her mid fifties. Thought Cody.

"We collided, she was walking really fast." He lay her down on the bed as the elderly woman took small steps towards Abby. Each step harder than the last. She's very old, thought Cody and he folded his arms patiently.

The nurse touched Abby's forehead and sighed. "She'll be alright. She just needs sleep, the poor thing." She sighed.

Cody was suddenly filled with curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Her moms away, and her fathers dead." She sighed. Cody was surprised, he had been in Abby's classes since she was a junior and she seemed fine to him... he'd had a crush on her since he first laid eyes on her in math.

"Who does she live With?" Cody was now concerned. He didn't know if Abby was in danger, or being hurt. All he knew was that Abby was always tired and always had marks on her body, but Abby was a skater so it could've been from that... or was it?

"Her stepmother. Heard she's real abusive, but Abby stays because she promised her father that she would." The nurse dismissed Cody and Abby and they began their trip back to class. Abby had the same class as Cody next, Life Skills.

Jason and Tammy came running towards Cody and Abby, both worried.

"Is she okay?" Tammy asked gently touching her forehead.

"Yeah, nurse said she just needed a nap." Cody said looking down at Abby's beautiful face. Her black hair and soft skin made him remember why he'd liked Abby in the first place.

"You're Cody right?" Tammy asked. Cody looked up to see how similar Tammy looked to Abby. And he wondered, were they sisters?

"Yes, I am." Cody said shyly.

"Could you take her to classes? Or... like drive around with her in your car? She can't go home during the day and she probably wouldn't want to." Tammy played with her thumbs as she explained it all to Cody. Cody nodded.

"Here's my number, text or call if she wakes up and is freaking out. I'll talk to her." Tammy added as she handed Cody a piece of paper. He nodded and walked to his car.

Abby's POV

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and saw the guy... wait a minute, guy?!

I sat up, looking around glad to not be at home. I was in a car that had leather seats and golden details, "Hey dude. Thanks for taking care 'a me." I smiled reaching for the handle.

"I'm Cody." The boy said, his voice rumbled from the depths of his diaphragm to the surface of his tongue, like ocean waves on a full moon. Vulgar but relaxing.

I pulled away from the handle and smiled at him, "I'm Abby, Abigail Marshall." I held out a hand and Cody took it gently, shaking it slowly almost as if savoring the feel of my hand against his.

"Cody Lanes." He smiled and I melted. He cute.

"Again, thanks for taking care of me and I'm really sorry about earlier... I wasn't having a good day. Not that I ever have a good day." I chuckled nervously, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It was my fault. I'm sorry to hear you weren't having a good day." Cody shifted towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. Electrical currents shot through my body and I shivered under his touch. "You cold?" He chuckles shifting closer, again, offering open arms.

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