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Ages are as of 2017 for BTS, you will be fifteen. Hair colors are from 'Save Me'.

The sky was crying.

Jeongguk sighed softly as he stared out the window of the house he shared with his six other friends. Jeongguk didn't really like the rain. It brought back memories he'd rather not remember, tales he'd rather not tell.

He stood, taking the warm blanket that Seokjin had probably wrapped around his shoulders at one point in the day - it had been raining since Jeongguk woke up and he'd been watching since - and headed into the kitchen to see if there was anything warm to eat.

Jeongguk settled for the first thing he could find - instant ramen. He was too lazy to find the actual ramen - which tasted at least ten times better - so he reluctantly began to make the bland noodles.

Namjoon came into the kitchen soon after his noodles were done, a pile of papers in his hand and his phone held out to Jeongguk. He gestured for Jeongguk to take and read what was one the screen, and although he was confused, Jeongguk complied.

Dear Namjoon,
I know you are busy with your work and all, however Jeongguk's father and I will be going on a trip for about half a year and we need you to take care of his adoptive sister that we got when he left. Please take care of her.

Shinyoung, Jeongguk's mother.

"I have an adoptive little sister?"

"Apparently." Namjoon took the phone back and tucked it into his pocket. "Does your mother know what we are?" Jeongguk shook his head. "Ah, that might cause some problems. Anyway, it's too late to deny her offer - she said she'd be dropping her off tomorrow - so we'll have to tell the others when they get back."

Jeongguk hummed, slurping up the noodles in front of him. "Tae-hyung and Jimin-hyung should be home in an hour or so, and I think Seokjin-hyung went to the store for food. Not sure about Hoseok-hyung or Yoongi-hyung, but you know how they are."

Namjoon sighed and stood. "Well, I've got a client to deal with. He's refusing to pay up."

"M'kay, good luck with him, hyung."

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, I'll see you later," was what the woman who had dropped her off here and never came back had said. Despite the fact that it was raining, (name) didn't mind so much, especially since she hated that woman - the woman who called herself (name)'s mother. She was glad to be away from her.

However, (Name) was still cold. Her clothes were soaked from the rain, the chill seeping into her bones. She shivered, trying to keep her body warm as she hunkered down in a bus stop, waiting for the next one to come around.

She looked up when she saw head lights flashing on the ground but they weren't from a bus. She watched as the black limo stopped in front of her and a tall male got out of the drivers seat.

"Hey!" She yelled as the man took her luggage and stuck it in the trunk of the car. "That's mine, what are you doing?!"

"The young master has asked for me to bring your things and your person to his car. Please get in before you get even more wet," the man said, opening the back door.

(Name) glanced between the man before her and the open car door, finally deciding to slide in. "Who are you?" She asked, upon seeing the man inside.

His bright orange hair stood out against he dark leather seats of the car. He stuck out his hand for (name) to shake. "My name is Jung Hoseok. It's nice to meet you."

(Name) ignored his hand. "Where are you taking me?"

Hoseok's eyes darkened. "Don't ignore me, love." He gripped (name)'s wrist tightly, bringing it up so that her hand rested in his. He shook it once, letting it drop back to her side. "See, that wasn't so hard," Hoseok said with a bright smile.

(Name) shivered slightly, her mind confused as to how he could change back so quickly. She shook it off, asking, "where are you taking me?"

"My home."

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