Chapter Seven (Part two)

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     Dragon battles. I've only heard of them. I can feel my anxiety rising, but I muster up some courage. I have to, for- for the people i care about. I prepare to begin my assault.

     "Here we go!" we charge forward, ready for battle. I see the other rider and his dragon fly upwards, but do not have time to react before they swing downwards, sending us plummeting to the ground. With a loud crash, Scarlet hits the ground, and I land on her side, rolling off. I somehow, through the several cuts and bruises littering my body, manage to stand. I watch as the assailing dragon lands, it's rider hopping off, now standing in front of me. Before I can react, I am kicked to the ground.

     "So this is the strongest fighter in the village?! Pathetic." He mocks me. I wipe the blood from my face, trying to stand, trying to muster some sort of will to go on. Then I remember why I'm doing this.

     "Leo!" Urabe's voice calls out. I have to win this. I stand slowly, my body overflowing with energy. It is almost tangible. I've never felt anything like it. I stare him dead in the eyes.

     "You will leave. Now."

     "You try to intimidate me? You've lost!" He draws a sword,swinging it in a wide motion. Taking the singal of battle, Scarlet flies at the cosmic dragon, and they soar off. He will not beat me. I focus the energy, creating a blast, sending him flying, causing him to drop his sword. I kick it aside, approaching him. I lift him up by the collar of his shirt, staring into his eyes.

     "Who are you, and why are you here?!" I yell. Instead of answering me, he begins to laugh, melting into a shadow. I watch as it flows onto his dragon's back, and I am powerless as they fly away.

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