Chapter Five

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     "All these years, and we're still doing what we love!", Satoshi chimed. Rocky gave a charming smile to her, who was in his arms.

     "Yep!" It had been three years, but
it felt like it was only yesterday. Looking through the book was nice, and it filled us with determination. Closing the book, we all lay in the grassy field, relaxing. Even Scarlet was at peace! It is times like those when you realize that there is good in the world too. You could feel the wind blowing over you, hear the occasional bird, and sense the sun's warmth radiating from it. You could hear the screaming in the distance. Wait, what?!

      "C'mon guys!" I scream. Grabbing our stuff, we begin to run. The once soothing wind burned our eyes, grass whipping against our legs. We finally reached the source of the scream, taking in the scenario. One woman, 24 or so. 5 robbers, all equipped with various weapons. I rushed in.

     "Hey!" I shouted."Leave her alone!" Rocky was quick to follow.

      "Heh,", one spoke, "get out of our way." He leaped up, invisible in the sun's rays. I barely dodged, catching a blow to my left shoulder from his dagger. I draw my sword, and make the next move. I lash out, but he dodges, and promptly kicks me. Rocky leaps in, landing a direct hit! The man collapses, blood from his head pooling on the ground.

     "You'll pay for that!" He was behind me, It was ove-. An arrow whistles past my head, and into his. Two down. The rest of the battle went easily, and soon we all sat, exhausted.

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