Chapter Three

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So, I have an announcement. In this story, chapters like these will be quite a bit longer than others, as they play a bigger role in the plot. See you all in the next announcement!

      Without wasting a second, we both bolted out the door. Still running, I shout to him. The wind was in my eyes, causing them to sting.

      "Hey, Rocky! Heads up!" I reach into the bag and toss him a shield and a broadsword, the ones that were given to him when we met. I then reach back into the bag, pulling out my spellbook and sword, preparing myself for serious trouble.

      "Alright," Rocky yelled back, "think you can warp us there?" I nod, beginning to rapidly flip through the book, struggling to turn the pages to to the wind. I find the correct spell, and then begin the incantation.

     "Dio viktaros boro venturium!" At that exact moment, a blinding aura surrounded us, and with a flash, we were gone.

      I had at this time become used to how it feels mid-warp, as I had done this many times. As you fly through space and time, it feels as if every atom in your body receives a surge of energy, it's amazing. Then, just as soon as it starts, you are pulled quickly back to reality. I begin to think in my head. "That went -"


      Rocky and I are immediately knocked back by a tremendous force.

      "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!" I am relieved to hear Urabe's voice. After a blow like that, you would be crazy not to be happy to hear a cleric. She, along with our groups archer, Satoshi, ran over and helped Rocky and I up. As Urabe healed us, I was able to fully take in the beautiful but terrifying situation occurring. The whole village, as a team unit, gathered together, all holding various weapons. They were all standing at the top of a hill, while we were at the bottom. We all looked at each other, giving a signal that were ready, and dashed up the hill. By the time we reached the top, the townsfolk had already departed. Shortly after, we join them, then I see it. A flame dragon, obviously the one from before, savagely attacked at the villagers. Rocky runs to the front lines, attacking in a pattern of slash, slash, block. Satoshi stood from a distance, rapidly firing arrows. Every shot was a direct hit, but the dragon wasn't even scratched. I begin a spell, but we are all blasted back by the dragon's tail. All of us except for one, that is. Dad was on the floor, wounded. The dragon was clearly preparing to end him. My heart was split in two. What do I do? I mean, I could let this be his lesson for doubting me.... No. That wouldn't be right. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I break through the crowd, standing between the dragon and my dad. "Leo," dad coughed, "don't be stupid. This will only make another death." I ignored him. I stared straight into the dragon's eyes, trying desperately not to look as terrified as I was.

      "Dragon! You want to hit something, then let's go!" The creature lashed out with his claw. I faded, and then reappeared in the air behind it. I countered by launching a huge energy ball at it. However, before I had steady footing, I saw the dragon's tail flying at me yet again. Closing my eyes, I clutched the stone in my hand.

      "This is it.", I thought. But nothing happened. I didn't feel anything. I slowly opened my eyes to see that the stone had projected a shield that was seemingly made of pure light, and deflected the dragon's attack. I heard many gasps, as well as soft conversations. I held the stone, suddenly feeling courageous. I lowered the shield.

      "Hear my call, beast! Your rampage is pointless! Join me!" The dragon replied with a ferocious roar. "Here goes nothing.", I mumbled,

      "Please, hear my call! Dragon, I tame thee!" The stone flared a blue-purple. Then, it emitted a beam of light, hitting the dragon's heart. When it disappeared, the dragon and I were still making eye contact. She leaned her head close to me. Slowly, I reached my hand towards her...


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